Chapter 1

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Natasha was up and getting ready to go for her morning run, when she smelled the garlic goodness wafting through the house. When she goes to see the source of an early morning snack she finds the newest member to the team.

"Why are you still sneaking around at 4 in the morning?"
"Fuck you scared me!"
"Why are you whispering?"
"Well, I don't want to wake anybody up and I was hungry."
"It smells delicious, care to share?"
"Uh sure, I don't need to eat all this by myself anyway."

She cuts the garlic and chicken grilled cheese into 2 triangles and slides Natasha one on a napkin avoiding all physical contact. Natasha leans against the counter and looks at her with a puzzling look.

"Why don't you like physical or eye contact?"
"Mr. Fury didn't tell you why I'm here?"
"Not really, he said that was your story to tell, but to keep our emotions in check."

She was so nervous here, but she knew this was the safest place for her and everybody normal in the world. Natasha was the last person she wanted to talk about her powers with, especially with how desirable she is considered in society. Elinora wanted to be desired like that, but being a plus size black girl pushed her to the bottom of that list.

"You gonna explain or should I just go on my run?"
"Oh yea, sorry, got caught up in my head, I do that a lot."
"People make you nervous?"
"Very. It's cause I'm an empath, the strongest in history as far as anybody knows."
"That doesn't sound too threatening."
"Well wait for it, it will momentarily... I can feel the emotions of the whole world past or present...without any type of assistance, unlike Professor X... and if I choose so, I can direct the pain of every person living or dead onto someone, it usually ends in the person writhing in indescribable agonizing pain and either dying or becoming insane."

Natasha now looked at her with appreciation and understanding. She was afraid of herself and her power. That much was evident, but she was also shy and introverted. She knew how lonely that could be and she also knew she had to do something about it. Thankfully the perfect scenario was already available.

"Okay so you have a kickass power and you're afraid of human contact, that's understandable. Obviously Fury trusts you or he wouldn't have brought you here. And I hate that you have been avoiding the world and us, so here is what we're gonna do. Tonight we are welcoming the Wakandan king and his entourage, we're going clubbing and you're coming with."
"I will take you shopping later."
"And I think we can figure out a hairstyle with some help from F.R.I.D.A.Y. and our guests."
"And I'm not taking no for an answer."
Elinora knew she was not getting out of this, at least not right now. Sighing she shook her head figuring that it would be easier to agree now and back out later.
"Fine, but this is a bad idea"

Elinora was glad for Natasha's workout schedule as it gave her a few more hours of sleep and preparation. She needed the perfect back out excuse because she was sure Natasha would drug her and bring her if it wasn't delivered properly.
Before she knew it, the afternoon had come, along with the guests. She was in the middle of cleaning up as quickly and efficiently as she could in order to escape socializing, but for the first time in weeks she had failed to hide in time. Everyone followed the scent of her ziti and even with her music blasting in her ears, she knew when they entered the kitchen. Foolishly hoping they would ignore her and move along, she ignored them which probably wasn't a great idea because Natasha was not having her bullshit anymore. She was officially done babying her now that she knew that she was just hiding behind her power.

"I know you can sense us here, you can stop pretending."

Elinora sighed and turned around to a confused group of Wakandans and Avengers, and a pissed off Natasha.

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