Chapter 3 - Coming Back

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We went back to my house and stood outside the back door.

"Guys, I don't feel well. I feel like I'm gonna puke. I know-" Estus lowered her voice, "I know there was something evil in that house. I can, sense it. I've hardly told anyone about this, but-" she paused. "My mother and I, can sense spirits. Evil and good. It sorta runs in the family. They thought it would be my brother who passed on the trait, but it was me."

"Lets go inside and sit down. I'll look up something about that house. See the history of it." I whispered to Cindy and Estus.

We made our way to my bedroom and shut the door behind us. I turned on some music and we began discussing what had happened, even telling a little bit of ghost stories while I began to look up things about the house.

"Dude, you're gonna get it. You live right across the street from that house." Cindy chuckled at her words. We all knew nothing was gonna happen, but that didn't keep us from being spooked.

Unfortunately, I couldn't find anything on the internet about the house, so I went to the only person I'd think who would know about it, my mother. I went out to find her, only to notice she was sleeping. My friends followed me into her room.

"Hey ma, you know anything about that house across the street? The deserted and trashed one?" I asked.

"Dear, don't worry about it. There were some drug dealers over there who had gotten evicted and left the house with all their stuff scattered around. Don't go back over there, you'll be trespassing."

I agreed not to and went back into my room.

"We gotta go back over there." Cindy said.

"Yeah lets see if the door is still open from last time." I said, defying my mother's wishes.

Estus handed me my skateboard and we pushed ourselves across to the house.

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