24. Take Me Home

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My P.O.V.

What a jerk! Why the fuck is he texting me? As much as I remember, he told me we're over and that we should avoid each other... Like that accident with a shirt wasn't enough! That little piece of shit! I can't believe I cried over him!

"Are you okay?" Ryan probably noticed me gazing at my phone. "Are you texting your best friend again?"

"Can we not talk about it?" Shit, he reminded me. I still haven't gotten any answer from her. I mean, what kind of a friend is that? I left; that's a fact. But if that's the reason she's ignoring me when I need her the most, then...

"Okay, then..." Ryan interrupted my thoughts again. "What do you wanna talk about it?"

"Why don't you tell me a little bit more about yourself?" I finally asked him. We just went for a walk, but the whole time we were talking about me... as usual. "I feel like we're only talking about me..." And it was true. He never told me anything personal.

"Well, I've moved a lot since I was a kid..." Ryan started telling me his story. "...considering I grew up without parents, you know..."

"Gosh, that's awful!" I felt really bad for him.

"Yeah... I hardly remember them. They left me when I was about 5." He continued. "And long story short, so many shitty things have happened... especially in high school. I thought I wouldn't make it out alive... But, years have passed and I'm still here."


"Don't be... Life can be a bitch sometimes."

"Yeah, I know..." I felt the need to share more with him. "I actually haven't talked to my parents in two years."

"Oh..." He seemed surprised. "And why is that?"

"They never fully accepted me... I was a misfit." I had enough courage to continue. "And after my boyfriend's suicide... they weren't there for me. I even blamed myself for his death and they just acted like I was being an overdramatic kid..."

"I feel you..." Ryan whispered. "Neither of us was lucky... but we were lucky enough to find each other..." He started with those sweet words again.

"I guess so..." I added shyly.

He then looked at me the same way he did when he kissed me... I already rejected him twice, so the moment I realized where this was going, I just looked at the ground. "Anyway..." I spoke. "You never told me what you do for a living..."

"Yeah, this is kinda embarrassing..." He chuckled. "I'm trying to become a concert photographer..."

"That's not embarrassing at all!" I smiled. "It's pretty cool, actually."

"Well, I got the idea like a year ago and I sat a goal... But I don't believe in myself enough; that's the problem, I guess."

"Are you working on something right now?" I wanted to know more details.

"There's this band who promised I'll work with them when they go touring... I just don't know if it'll be soon."

"Which band? Someone famous?"

"Well, not exactly... They're new." He answered and I didn't wanna bother him with any more questions. "What's it like being on tour with H.U.?" He changed the subject. "Are they treating you right? It just seemed to me you're upset all the time... I'm worried."

"No, they're great... I'm not getting upset because of them..." Well, I wasn't completely honest, but I didn't wanna discuss Jorel again. "It's just being away, without any friends by my side, I guess..."

"Do you consider me your friend?"

"Yeah, of course. Even though we just met, I trusted you enough to share something personal with you."

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