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When Alaina woke up the next morning, she had the worst headache ever. She could barely stand, and smelled of alcohol. Alaina couldn't remember anything that happened the previous night. 'I must've had a good time if I can't remember anything from last night' she thought.

She was laying in bed, waiting for her headache to go away, when she heard three knocks at her door.

"Come in!" she yelled. She winced at the sound. The door opened to reveal Jack. He smiled at her, before walking in. "You doin' alright?" he asked. "Well if you think feeling I got hit by a truck, and having a massive headache is doing alright, then I am just peachy!" she sarcastically.

Jack chuckled and backed up with his hands raised in the air. He knew what it was like to feel how she felt. He'd felt it many times over the years.

"Come on. We gonna get you some aspirin." Jack said.

Alain jumped up as soon as he said aspirin. She couldn't stand having a headache anymore. It was making her lose her focus.

After she took her aspirin, she went back to her room to get ready for the day. She chose to wear her black combat boots, a red t-shirt, black pants, and her leather jacket.

When she walked out of her room, everyone's eyes widened and their jaws dropped. Especially Jack's. If he didn't like Alaina before, he did now. She looked hot.

"Damn Alaina. You look hot!" Jack said. Alaina blush and giggled. "Thank you." She said.

Everyone else told her she looked bad ass. They didn't want to call her hot because they knew Jack liked her, and they didn't want to get a black eye.

"Thank you guys. It really means a lot to me." Alaina said. The guys hugged her, and told her they meant it.

Jack was jealous, but didn't show it. He silently thought about how to win Alaina's heart.

But what he didn't know is that Alaina liked him back.

A/n: Cliffhanger! What do you think is going to happen next?🤔🤔🤔

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