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A week after Alaina woke up, she was sent home. The guys volunteered to help her out until she was fully healed. She appreciated what the guys were doing for her. No one had ever done anything that nice to her before, so the situation was all new to her. It wasn't unwelcomed, but it was just knew to her. 

"Thanks guys, for helping me out until I'm fully healed." She told them. "You're our family now. We help out our family. Family isn't supposed to leave each other behind, even if they're mad at each other. We promise to help you out whenever you need it." Smokey told her. "Same goes to you guys. I love you guys as if you were my real family. And you are my real family. You don't have to be blood related to be family." Alaina said. 

One by one, the guys hugged her, and told her how much joy she brought to their lives. By the time there was only Jack left, she was in tears. No one had ever said or done anything that nice to her, so she was a bit emotional. Jack wiped her tears, hugged and kissed her, and told her how much she meant to him, and that if she ever left him, he would never recover.

"I promise to never leave you Jack. You are my one and only. My other half. My missing puzzle piece. I love you to Pluto and back." Alaina told her boyfriend. "I love you to Pluto and back too." Jack said. 

The rest of that day was spent with each other. They all had a great day spending time with family, even if they weren't blood related, they were still family.

A/N: The lesson in this chapter is that family doesn't have to be related by blood. Your friends can be family, too if they are loyal to you. I know my friends are like my sisters and brothers. I love you fam, even if you aren't blood related, you're still part of my family to me, and you wil always be in my heart. I'll never forget about you guys.

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