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Two weeks after Alaina got home, Jack started to think. He knew he loved Alaina with all of his heart, and that she was the one. When she got hurt, it scared the living daylights out of him. It got him thinking that she could die one day, and that he would never be able to get to start a family with her. Marry her, and have kids with her. So he started thinking he should propose to her.

He asked the guys on what he should do, and they told him that if he was sure she was the one, that he should go for it, even though they hadn't been together for a long time. They had only been together for a few months, but Jack was sure she was the one for him. His parents even agreed that he should marry her. 

He didn't know who her parents were, or where they lived, so he couldn't ask them for their blessing. So, he hopped onto his bike, and went to a ring store. He went inside, and immediately started searching for the perfect ring. Not even 3 minutes later, he found it. Alaina told him how much she loved emeralds, and how she wanted her engagement ring to have an emerald on it. Well that's just what he found. It was a simply ring. A silver band, in her size, with a decent sized emerald on it. He knew it was perfect for her, and immediately bought it, not caring how much it cost him.

Then he got back onto his bike, and drove to Alaina's place. When he arrived, he turned off his bike, hopped off faster than the speed of light, and then ran to Alaina's door. He turned the doorknob, and opened the door. Then he walked in, and looked for Alaina, eventually finding her on the couch, asleep. 

Jack didn't want to wake her, but he had to ask her to marry him. So, he walked over to the couch, and shook Alaina gently until she woke up.

"Jack? What're you doing here?" She asked when she woke up, and saw her boyfriend in front of her. Then he got onto one knee.  "About to ask you a very important question. Look, we've only been together for a couple of months, but I already feel like you're the one for me. Every time I look at you, I get this feeling inside my chest that I don't get when I look at other girls. You make me incredibly happy, and that's why I wanna ask you this: Alaina, will you marry me?" Jack 

Alaina was in tears by the time he asked. "Yes." She whispered, but loud enough to where Jack could hear. A grin immediately made it's way onto his face. He got up, and walked over to Alaina, gave her a big kiss, and slid the ring onto her finger. Soon after, they started telling everyone about their engagement. Everyone was happy for them, and they were happy for themselves. 

They were starting a family together, and that made them incredibly happy.

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