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After Alaina got out of surgery, the guys immediately rushed into her room to see her. She was still asleep when they entered, so they just sat there and waited for her to wake up. They were all worried about their friend, but they knew Jack was the one that was worried the most. 

While waiting for her to wake up, no one said a thing. They didn't have anything to say. That was, until Jack spoke up. 

"I believe she's gonna be okay. She isn't one to give up easily, so I believe she's gonna make it out of this okay." Jack said. "I think I speak for all of us when I say we agree with you. She's a fighter, not a quitter." Smokey said. 

It was back to silence after that. Until a voice spoke that startled and relieved everyone in the room. She had woken up.

"Guys." Alaina spoke. Everyone turned their heads to see that she had woken up. Jack was the first to go up to her. He gave her a long and passionate kiss that everyone 'awed' at. They hugged and then pulled back. 

One by one, each of the guys gave her a hug, saying they were glad that she was okay. She smiled and she knew she had found a second family. These were her boys, and no one was going to take them from her. She wouldn't let anyone take them.

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