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Jack didn't know how to win a girl's heart. Let alone ask one on a date. He had never had a girlfriend before. All he had were one night stands.

So to say he was scared was an understatement. He had never felt like this for a girl before. Like ever. So he asked one of the guys for help. That guy was his best friend Joe Wilson.

Joe had more experience with girls than he did, so he was the perfect guy to go to.

"Bro, you don't need to win her heart. You already have." Joe said. "What do you mean?" Jack asked. "I mean she likes you back. It is quite obvious." Joe said.

Jack didn't believe a word he said, so Joe just told him to ask her out in a date. And he did. She said yes.

Jack was ecstatic. As soon as she said yes, he sighed a breath of relief. He was so scared she was gonna say no, but she didn't. And he was happy.

There was a problem. He didn't know where he was going to take her. Which was a problem because their date was the next night. He started to freak out, but then calmed down because he knew where he was gonna take her.

Olive Garden. He wasn't as nervous, but was still nervous. He didn't want to mess up, and make her run from him. So, he was actually kind of scared. But at the same time, he was excited.

Alaina was happy, thrilled, excited, and scared at the same time. She had no clue what she was gonna wear. So she decided to call her friend who had more fashion sense than her.

"Hey Jackie. I am going on a date tomorrow night, and I have no clue what to wear. So I need your help. Can you help me?" She asked. "Of course I can! We are gonna make you look fabulous!" Jackie said.

Alaina laughed, and thanked her friend before hanging up. She told the guys she was going home to run some errands which was partially true.

She was just really excited for the date, and couldn't wait to get home.

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