Chapter 2

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Kidflash's pov
He was gone, I never even got to say bye. I started to head back to the nearest zeta tube. It was weird it was like I felt a connection with him, like we were meant for each other or something.

Once I made it to a zeta tube I zeta to Star city. Then ran back home, I couldn't wait for tomorrow, it would finally be the day!

~The Next Day~

When I woke up I quickly got changed into my costume and ate really fast and ran it the door to go meet up with my uncle Barry aka Flash. Today is the day!

Me and Barry met by a zeta tube, "Hey Barry." I said waving and smiling at him. He had his hand up to his ear and he said "Okay, we're on our way." Then he put his head down and looked at me with a serious look.

"Kid, Captain Cold is robbing a gem depository. We can stop him on our way to the Hall." Flash said as he took off running and I followed right behind him.

When I finally caught up to Flash he was running around Captain Cold and I just joined, cause I didn't know what else to do. We were just running around Captain Cold for what felt like forever, and Captain Cold was trying to shoot us but kept missing.

"This is stupid!" I said running towards Captain Cold and dodging ice and taking his gun away from him. And Flash ran up to him and punched him, knocking him out. We waited till the cops showed up to take him to Belle Reve. Once they showed up they started taking to Flash, and Flash just stared chatting with the cops.

"Come on Flash! We have to go! Today's the day!" I said while grabbing his arm pulling him away and took of with him following behind, but soon he caught up to me.

Once we got to the Hall of Justice we were the last ones there! How! We are the two speedsters!

"Oh come on! I knew we were going to be the last ones!" I yelled as Flash just laughed along with Green Arrow, Speedy, Aquaman, and Aqualad. Batman just gave me the batglare, yikes.

We all started making our way to the Hall, there were a bunch of news reporters there taking pictures of us and calling out our names.

"Man, is this the first time all three sidekicks have ever been in the same place!" I said as we were walking to the Hall. Batman didn't have a sidekick, I could tell he wants one, I feel bad since he works all only in Gotham with no one to help him.

"We're not sidekicks." Speedy said, he doesn't like being called a sidekick.

"I believe so, my friend." Aqualad said putting his hand on my shoulder.

We were a few inches away from the door when I heard a reporter yell out "Hey it's Flash Junior!" I looked back but Aqualad pulled me away before I started yelling. I hate when that happens. How hard is it to remember 'Kidflash'?

We then went into a private part of the Hall and me and Aqualad sat down on two chairs while Speedy was still standing looking at Green Arrow with his arms crossed, like he was waiting for something.

Our mentors and Batman were discussing and Flash turned around and looked at us, "Okay this is it. You guys stay here, we need to help out Superman. Batman what about that boy you were taking about?" He looked at us for the first part but then looked at Batman for the last part. Batman just said "I will do that on my own" and he went off to the Zeta tube almost zeta away but Speedy bursted out yelling.

"Are you serious! That's it! That is what we get, heck it's not even private!" Speedy yelled out pointing up to where there were reporters looking in.

Green Arrow then stepped in trying to calm Speedy. "Don't call me Speedy! I'm no longer working with you!" Speedy or Roy called out throwing his hat down in rage and walking out, but before he left he turned around and looked at us. "I suggest you guys leave too. Cause they're keeping secrets from you, like for starters they have a secret headquarters up in space called the 'Watchtower'." And with that Roy left, leaving Batman giving Green Arrow the infamous Batglare.

Just then Zatara appeared on the screen. "Zatara to League, Wotan is using an amulet to ty to block out the sun! Requesting all Leaguers!" Batman looked at the other League members. "We'll be there! Flash tell Superman whatever he needs help with can wait!" Batman said while he zeta away.

"You two stay put. Don't leave, okay." Flash said while looking at me and Aqualad as everyone left. Leaving me and Aqualad.

"Man I can't believe Speedy left." I said breaking the silence. Aqualad nodded probably still shocked.

"What did Superman need help with anyways?" I asked since none of the League members talked about it. Aqualad started to think till he went over to the computer and started looking.

And he found it. "There was a fire at Cadmus but they stopped it, but they said one of their test subject ran off and they needed help with that." Aqualad said as pictures of Cadmus showed up with the building on fire.

"Should we go help find him?" I asked looking towards Aqualad not sure what he would say or do. He just simply nodded his head, and a big smile appeared on my face.

I quickly ran over to the computer and started typing away to see if I could find where the test subject went.

"Any luck?" Aqualad asked a couple minutes later looking at the screen. I turned around and nodded my head, "I have a feeling he could be in Gotham. Let's go!" I said about to speed off but realized Aqualad can't keep up, we would have to zeta, yay.

Once we zeta to Gotham I started getting butterflies, and I didn't know why. I know Gotham was where I meant that boy, but it's a high chance I would see him again, even though I want to. But we need to focus on finding the test subject.

"Where do we start searching at?"

Sorry this took so long, I've just been super busy with school lately. I'll try to update next time, promise! Okay anyways if you liked this chapter make sure to vote for it or comment what you liked about it! Okay that's it guys bye 😘😘 stay fresh!!

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