Chapter 9 aka WALLYS CHAPTER

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Wally: HA HA HA! All that protesting worked! *starts dancing* I have a chapter! I have a chapter!

Robin: *drops in from the ceiling* I'm ready to hack to Bat-com- what are you doing here?

Wally: *stops dancing* :/

Robin: Wait! You took my chapter!! Wallace!

Wally: Oh don't worry babe, you'll have more ;)

Robin: ARGH! *storms off*

Wally: Enjoy! And in the meantime I'll annoy Robin *speeds off towards Robin*

"Yeah, will I-I think we both made promises we couldn't keep"

"Why!?! Peter you could've done something! Don't let Lara Jean just walk away!" Yelled Wally as he was eating a tub of chocolate chip cookies dough ice cream.

"Damn you Peter!" Wally yelled throwing the spoon at the tv in frustration.

He soon turned the tv off and used his super speed to grab the spoon and return to his bed. He then continued to eat the tub of ice cream.

After a couple of mins Wally heard a knock on the his door, "Uh Wally it's me, Barry, can I come in?" His uncle Barry aka The Flash asked.


Barry the opened the door and closed on when he came in, he noticed Wally eating the tub of ice cream and how dark his room was. Barry then went over to Wally's window and opened up the curtains which were previously closed.

"There! Now there's light!" Said Barry, he then turned around to look at Wally and noticed he had a blanket over him.

"It's too bright, I liked it dark. Is there a reason why you're here, or did you just want to open my curtains? Cause when you leave I'm closing them again" Said Wally tiredly.

"Are you okay? You seem different" Barry asked sitting next to Wally on the bed. Wally still had the blanket over him though.

"Haha, what do you mean? I'm perfectly fine!" Wally said removing the blanket revealing both him and his ice cream, along with his messy hair and black circles under his eyes.

"Wally! You look like you haven't slept in days! And have you just been eating ice cream! Tell me what's wrong?"

"Okay, so what if I stay up watching Netflix and eat ice cream for breakfast, lunch and dinner, I don't see a problem with that. Ha it's not like I fell in love with someone and I may never meet them again, it's not like he felt the same anyways and it's not like I miss him and want to see him!" Wally yelled causing him to burst into tears which surprised Barry.

"Wait did you say 'he'?" Barry asked still a bit confused over what Wally said.

"Yes HE! I'm bisexual" Wally said still crying a bit.

"Hey, it's okay, I won't judge you Wally. So whose this boy?" Barry asked wanting to know more about this mystery boy.

"I met him while I was in Gotham-"

"YOU WERE IN GOTHAM! Why!?!" Exclaimed Barry obviously freaking out.

"I wanted a challenge. So I decided to sneak over to Gotham to fight a few criminals, but there was none." A disappointed Wally said.

"Phew, d-don't tell Batman. Or he'll give me the Batglare. Or lecture me about being "responsible", and I don't want to go through that again." Barry gulped, "But back to the boy, how did you meet him?" Barry asked finally cooled off after his sudden outburst.

"Well I was waiting in an alley waiting for anything to happen and I may have knocked over a trash can, and he heard and came to see what happened and saw me on the floor and helped me up and we started walking and talking." Wally said while starting to blush slightly, meanwhile Barry was happy that Wally found someone.

"What's his name? Please tell me you asked for his name, number, address or email."

"His name is Dick, we only talked for a little bit, but I felt a connection!"

Barry facepalmed, originally thinking his nephew and the boy had a long conversation instead of a short one.

"So let me get this straight, you only know his first name? Which is Dick? Ar-Are you sure he didn't prank you? Or made up his name?" Barry asked trying to put it in a somewhat nice way, but Wally got upset either way.

"Wait you don't believe me? His name really is Dick! Why would someone lie to me!?! Even about their name! That's it I'm taking a walk!" Wally said using his super speed to leave his house and run far away from there to who knows where.


"Why would he lie about his name? That is his name! When I find him again I'll show him to Barry! Prove to him I'm right!" Said Wally as he was walking down a street, once again he was in Gotham.

It was night time already and hardly any people out, he knew he shouldn't be here but he needed to find Dick.

He heard something on the roofs on one of the buildings, it sounded like footsteps. Wally quickly changed to his hero suit and ran up the building, barely grabbing the ledge. Once he got up there he saw a dark figure standing there looking at him, the figure then ran as fast as they could and jumped to the next building.

"Finally some action!" KF yelled following after the figure, obviously assuming it was a criminal.

The chase went on for about 5 mins till KF got tried of chasing the figure and decided to see who it was. As soon as the figure landed on a building they looked around for KF, it didn't see him so the figure stopped running. KF was on the buildings ledge waiting till the figure let their guard down and got up and sped to the figure and punched it. (I'm tried so sorry if it doesn't make sense)

He knocked the figure down and he could finally see who the figure was. As soon as he saw who it was he was immediately scared of the lecture he'll be getting from both Batman and Barry.

"Oh crap! I just punched Robin!"

Hello my fellow readers! Hope you liked Wally's chapter! I literally teared up in the beginning cause he's all sad :(
Anyways hope you all have a great day and love you all! <3

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