Chapter 16

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"Leave. Him. Alone."

KF was standing in front of Renegade, protecting the boy. Slade got up and pulled out his sword. KF got in a fighting stance and charged towards Slade.

KF started to run in circles around Slade. Slade tried to watch the speedster and put his sword away and took his gun out, he picked a point and shot the gun. The bullet went through KF's leg, making him stop running.

The bullet wound on his leg was already healing, KF ran towards Slade and punch him in the gut. The made Slade mad and he grabbed KF by his head.

"You think you can't beat me? I'm an assassin, I already took out most of your teammates including Batman."

KF grew angrier and used both of his feet to push off Slade's stomach, he did a one handed hand spring and landed perfectly. Slade then grabbed his battlestaff. Slade charged towards KF, Slade hit KF's head making him fall down.

Slade then got on top of KF and held his battlestaff up to KF's throat making him gasp for breath. Until KF punched Slade right in the face knocking him right off of him.

Slade dropped his battlestaff on the floor, KF grabbed the battlestaff and super sped towards Slade and hit him in the face with it.

KF then threw the battlestaff far away, and started running around Slade making a small tornado. The speedster stopped running, Slade was in midair. While he was falling he stuck out both of his feet and landed on KF's stomach. (Yeaaahh does- does that make sense? Sorry if it doesn't)

Slade then grabbed KF's head and slammed it against his knee and then against the bars of the cell. He then stared punching KF rapidly in the stomach making the speedster cough up blood. KF then grabbed Slade's head and tried slamming it again his knee but failed, cause the assassin hit his head against the speedster making him fall down.

Slade then kicked KF in the stomach as hard as he could. He then grabbed KF by the collar of his shirt and punched him in the nose. Wally has a bleeding nose and was coughing up blood.

Renegade stopped crying, and watched the whole fight between Slade and KF break out. He was horrified, and angry. But not at Wally, at Slade. Renegade was starting to feel conflicted with himself.

He didn't think what Slade did to him was "bad", Slade always told him it was to teach him to be better. But now he's starting to think that it is bad. He also does have a thing for the speedster, and he wished he told him sooner but he was lost for words when Wally told him he loved him.

Renegade was also surprised that Batman wanted to take him in, before he betrayed him. When he first went to the cave and started helping Batman he actually felt safe. Like he didn't need to be afraid of making a mistake.

The ebony also thought that maybe Slade would've forgot about him, and if Slade did forget about him Renegade could've live with Batman. But sadly Slade remembered him.

KF was trying to crawl away but Slade put one of his foot on the speedster's back making him stop. The team and Batman were all injured to help KF out, expect Superboy, but Superboy took Aqualad back to the bio ship. The assassin started putting pressure on the speedster's back, he drew out his sword.

"Poor speedster, too low on fuel to run away now." Said Slade.

Slade then raised the sword and was about to swing it down, striking KF's head. Till he got tackled down, by Renegade!

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