Chapter 4

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"As you wish, my young Lord..."

        In an instant, Sebastian is between the owner and the girl, who is holding her arm close to her body. The man looks from the demon to the girl to his hand, confused.


A soft chuckle falls from Sebastian's lips.

"I know what you're thinking, you see, I am simply one hell of a butler..."

The shopowner glares at Sebastian, and his hand clenches into a fist.

"'Ay, she's the one who was stealin' from my library!"

Ciel's eyebrow quirks, and his head turns to the girl, who glares right back at the man. However, she has nothing to say; she had attempted to take one of the many books.


"Yes, Master?"

"Take her, she's coming home with us,"

The butler kneels the same way he did only a few moments ago, right hand over his chest.

"As you wish, my young Lord,"

The girl's head whips to face the two.

"Excuse me?!" Her tone is agitated. "Just what exactly do you think you're doing?!"

        Sebastian doesn't answer as he picks her up, moving towards the door. The girl begins to pound her fists against his chest and kick, desperate to be set down.

"Oi! Let go of me! Put me down, you git!" Her voice is loud, and people are turning their heads to gawk at the scene playing out before them.

"Quiet, you fool!" Ciel hisses. "You're drawing attention!"

"And why should I care?! Who are you anyway?!!"

Ciel's eye closes, and a single hand raises to pinch the bridge of his nose tightly with his fingers.

What has he gotten himself into?


        A tense silence fills the carriage as they ride back to Phantomhive Manor, where Ciel and his butler, along with a few other servants live. Ciel's cobalt eye is fixed intently on the grime covered girl with the soiled, ripped dress. Her own eyes, swirling with anger in a sea of amber and gold, glare back at him as a single chocolate eyebrow arches in annoyance.

"What are you gaping at, idiot?"

Ciel's eye closes in irritation.

"Stop calling me names,"

The girl crosses her arms.

"I can do what I want,"

"Don't be such a child,"

"Speak for yourself!"

His eye opens once more.

"You're rude. I expect a bit of gratitude after what I've done for you,"

She scoffs.

"Gratitude! Is that what you want! I was fine on my own!"

"You obviously were not,"


"....I don't believe I caught your name..."

His voice is hushed.

"You tell me yours, I'll tell you mine,"

A sigh makes itself heard, his eyebrows meeting in exasperation.

"You're really quite stubborn,"

The girl does not answer.

He sighs yet again.

"I am Lord Phantomhive, owner of the Funtom Company," He gazes at her intently. "Now, what is  your name?"

The girl pulls a silly face.

"Ooooh, we are proud!" She mocks. "I am in the presence of a Lord!" She feigns excitement, before her expression returns to its unpleasant state.

"The name's Annika..."

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