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Hello readers, it's Phoenix here. I want to introduce you to a Q&A between our two absent characters in the last episode Gwen and Niamh. Our Interviewer today is Sarah from accounting.

G: Hey! :-)

N: Hiya!

So how did the two of you meet?

N: First day of school I went and sat in study hall and greeted everyone I met and made quite a name for my self as the new...

G: She made a name for herself as the violently American girl in school, and because she seemed quite cool I invited her to sit with us at lunch and we became firm friends ever since.

If you guys could be any kind of animal which would you be?

G: Wolf

N: Narwhal but one of the double horned kind.

Are you a good cook?

G: Yep

N: No you're not

G: A girl can dream!

Are you high maintenance?

G: Probably (Hey Georgie am I high maintenance? *yes*) Yes I am.

N: Probably

Do you have any allergies?

G: Yeah... I'm deathly allergic to that question.

N: She's allergic to pollen and I'm lactose intolerant.

G: You just had to spoil my fun.

And finally, are the rumours true that you two are dating?

G: No

N: Yes

G+N: Possibly... not

Okay... and that's all we have time for folks. Tune in next week when we will be continuing our regularly scheduled broadcast of Keepers of Excalibur.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2019 ⏰

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