Chapter 1

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A Marcus Butler and Alfie Deyes Fanfic...


(my pov)

Today was the day I had been waiting for! I'm going to the One Direction signing. Finally, they decided to come to Brighton. I love them so much but I'm not one of those people who want to marry them and want them to fall in love with me. I'm one of those people who thinks that they are very attractive and have beautiful voices.

I'm with my best friend Jessica but everyone calls her Jessie. She slept over at mine last night and now we are getting ready. I woke up before her so I had my shower and when I had finished, I went back into my bedroom and she had just got up and went into the bathroom to have her shower straight after I walked out.

"Morning" I said as I passed her. She groaned because she was still half asleep and I laughed and went to get dressed. Me and Jessie were practically sisters we were that close. We went everywhere together and had loads of things in common. She had been my best friend for as long as I can remember and my mom loves her so she lets her sleep over whenever.

I put my iPod on the dock clicked 'artists', scrolled down to 'O', clicked on 'One direction' and then clicked shuffle.

'You're insecure, don't know what for, you're turning heads when you walk through the doo-o-oor. Don't need make up, to cover up, being the way that you are in enou-ou-ough.'

The music started blasting through the speakers and I started singing along as I got dressed. I put on my mint green jeans, a unicorn t-shirt and my blue jacket. I had just started putting my make up on when Jessie walked through the door singing and dancing to the last bit of the song. She had already got dressed in the bathroom and was wearing black leggings and a t-shirt with a tiger on it. The song finished and as it did she struck a pose in the mirror. We both laughed and then started singing the beginning of 'moments'. We sung as we got ready.

We didn't take that long. We both left our hair to dry naturally, mine in loose curls and hers in waves. We put a little bit of make up on but didn't go too overboard. We brushed our teeth and headed downstairs. It was 10:00 and the signing was at 1:00 but we thought we might as well leave anyway because there would already be people waiting outside and we didn't want to be last in the queue. I grabbed my small black bag and put my phone, purse, chewing gum and keys inside. Jessie grabbed hers and we headed to the train station.

We had just finished paying for our tickets when the train arrived. It was quite full but we managed to find two seats opposite each other. There were two seats next to each other facing one way and the same opposite so we both ended up sitting next to someone. We both gave each other a look because of how attractive the boys sitting next to us were. I was sitting next to a boy with spiky blonde-brown hair. He wore big glasses with thick black frames, jeans, a purple jumper with LA written on it and some purple vans. He was so attractive!

After about two minutes into the 15 minute journey I had already put a chewing gum in my mouth and had pulled my phone out which is what I always do when things get awkward. I offered Jessie a chewing gum and she took it and then pulled out her phone too. I could see her keep looking at the boy sitting next to her but pretending to look out of the window so I laughed to myself but a little louder than intended so the two boys and Jessie both looked at me and I just looked down. I was so embarrassed!

The boy next to Jessie had short, dark hair and was wearing a plain white t-shirt and chinos with vans. He hadn't talked the whole way. He was just staring out of the window and the boy next to me was on his phone.

After about 10 minutes of silence, the boy next to me finally spoke.

"Hey Alfie," the boy next to Jessie looked up. "One Direction have just tweeted." This is when me and Jessie look up at each other like a shot.

"What did they say?" The boy with the dark hair asked.

"They're going to be a bit late to the signing so we'll just have to wait a bit longer."

Me and Jessie exchanged glances and I just knew she was going to say something. She had always been the more confident one. If ever we were on holiday, for example, she would just go up to people and ask if they wanted to be friends.

"Hey, are you guys going to the One Direction signing?" she asked the boy sitting next to me and I could tell that she didn't want to make eye contact with the boy called Alfie because I can always tell when she has a crush on someone.

"Um, yes" the boy sitting next to me said not expecting either of us to say anything.

"Awesome, we are too" she replied with a smile.

"Ah that's cool, we could all go together...I mean if you want to" Alfie said looking at Jessie. She smiled and nodded.

"Yeah that would be cool" I said not wanting them to think I was really unsociable.

"Great. I'm Alfie."




We all smiled at each other and then it went back to awkwardness for a few seconds.

"So, how old are you guys?" Marcus asked.

"16" we both said at the same time.

"Awesome, we're 17" Marcus replied.

We had just been getting to know each other when the train finally arrived in town. We got off and started walking. As soon as I stepped off the train, I tripped up and fell into Marcus. It was so embarrassing! He caught me and looked at me shocked and then laughed afterwards but I was still really embarrassed so I just carried on walking trying not to make eye contact with the most attractive boy I had ever seen. Marcus Butler.

A/N This is the first chapter and I'm sorry it drags on a bit, I just wanted to introduce the characters and stuff so here you go next chapter shouldn't be that long!!

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