Chapter 2

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(my pov)

After what seemed like the longest walk ever because of the awkward silence, we finally arrived and there was the biggest crowd of people I had ever seen. It was mad!

The whole way here, Marcus had been on his phone and Alfie and Jessie had been talking to each other. It was as if they had known each other for ages. That changed as we saw the huge crowd and queue. We pretty much ran to get there before these girls who gave me and Jessie dirty looks and obviously, gave Alfie and Marcus admiring looks. They both rolled their eyes because they looked about 13.

After about 5 minutes of waiting, already, about 50 more people had crowded around us trying to get as far forwards as they could. One group of screaming girls pushed me out of the way so I was forced to move in front of Marcus.

"You alright?" He half had to shout because of the screaming.

"Yeah" I laughed and he just about heard me.

He winked and curled his fingers around mine so we were holding hands. It felt so right. We were squashed together. Him behind me with both of his hands on mine. It was perfect.

Alfie and Jessie had disappeared and I wasn't planning on moving any time soon. It was about 11:00 and One Direction were going to be here at about 1:30 but the shopping centre should be opening in about half an hour so we could go inside in the warmth.

(Marcus pov)

I put my hands on hers not knowing whether it was the right thing to do but she went along with it and put her fingers in mine so I sighed with relief. On the outside I was playing it cool but on the inside I was literally like 'shit shit shit shit'.

"Hey, do you wanna try and find Alfie and Jessie?" I asked her.

"Yeah sure" she replied. She smiled and I smiled back.

We held hands to make sure we didn't lose each other and tried looking for the others. We got so many dirty looks off girls who were trying to get to the front. I think me and Alfie had to be two of the only boys here!

*40 minutes later*

We managed to find Alfie and Jessie finally and had wriggled our way closer to the front of the queue. Me and Grace had dropped hands because otherwise the others would've asked questions. The doors were just opening and we ran (mostly to get out of the way because of all the crazy, obsessed fans that were running too). Luckily, there were bodyguards inside and they had managed to get everyone into an orderly line. I guessed that it would take about 20 minutes before we actually managed to get to the boys.

"So what have you two been up to" Grace asked Alfie and Jessie.

They shared glances and Jessie just replied with "not much really"

So how have you two spent your 6 week holiday?" Alfie asked. It was summer (well, a British summer so it was still cold) and there were about 12 days left until they were over.

"Well mine hasn't been very eventful really, went to Wales, as per usual and went shopping in town" Grace replied.

"Same here, I went to Wales with Grace and I went to Birmingham to see my family. What about you guys" asked Jessie.

"Yeah, I went to Spain and Italy with my family and that was good" I replied and looked at Alfie to hear about his.

"I did nothing" he replied simply and we all laughed.

"So are you guys going to College or sixth form?" I asked the girls.

"College" they both answered in unison and laughed.

"Awesome. Which college?"

"Brighton college" Jessie replied with a smile.

"Really? That's where me and Alfie go" I grinned showing my teeth.

"Ah, awesome" Grace said smiling. "Might see you there then, she winked at me."

After talking about ourselves a bit more we finally got to the boys.

(Alfie pov)

Oh. My. Gosh. They were right in front of me. One Direction. I wanted to scream but didn't want to look stupid so I kept it cool on the outside but on the inside I was fangirling so much. One Direction were my guilty pleasure that only Marcus knew about because otherwise I would get called gay.

I pulled out my CD and I went through them one by one. Liam, then Zayn, then Niall, then Louis and finally Harry. I heard little squeals behind me and just laughed as I saw Grace and Jessie getting really excited.

"Hey what's your name?" asked Liam.

"Alfie" I said, smiling like an idiot.

"Alfie" he repeated signing it and passing it down.

"Hey Alfie" each of them said as they signed it and Harry passed it back to me. I was so happy. The wait was worth it.

After the others had joined me at the end, we got ushered out by the bodyguards who were desperately trying to get everything under control.

When we all got outside, we turned a corner to get out of the way of the crowd and literally everyone (even Marcus) let out a huge scream. We were all so happy and it felt like we had known each other for ages.

A/N So heres the next chapter. Sorry its not that good but there will be more exciting things happening soon. And sorry it took so long. Ive had loads of schoolwork and shit but im going to try and post them a lot more often and they will be longer. Hope you like it and thanks for reading;) -grace xxx

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