Chapter 12

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(Marcus pov)

We were back in Grace’s dorm and she decided to go for a shower so I went back to mine and Alfie’s dorm to get clean clothes. I unlocked the door and saw Alfie and Jessie cuddled up watching a film. I sneaked into my bedroom, trying not to interrupt their movie and grabbed clothes and pyjamas.

I got back to Grace’s and decided to get changed in the lounge while she was getting changed in her room. I was in the middle of getting changed when I heard Grace. “Oh gosh, sorry!” I laughed as she turned away and went back into her room. I quickly finished getting changed then walked into her room.

(my pov)

Marcus grabbed my waist and laughed at me.

“Sorry! I didn’t know you were getting changed!” he laughed as I kept apologising.

“Don’t worry about it, it’s fine!”

I smiled and covered my face with my hands. He moved my hands, held onto them and kissed me. We decided to go to sleep a bit early as we had to get up in the morning.

*in the morning*

I looked at the clock and it was 6:30. I left Marcus in bed and went to get dressed. I grabbed my leggings, my denim shirt that I buttoned up to the top and an oversized jumper which I put over the top, leaving the collar of the shirt out and went to get ready in the bathroom. When I got back he was still asleep so I decided to do my makeup. I went over to my dresser and as soon as I sat down I heard Marcus.

“Morning” he said in his husky morning voice.

“Morning sleepy head” I winked at him and he smiled.

I grabbed my iPod and put one direction’s new comic relief song, teenage kicks on.

‘One way or another, I’m gonna find ya, I’m gonna get ya get ya get ya get ya, one way or another, I’m gonna win ya, I’m gonna get ya get ya get ya get ya’

We both started to sing along as he got up and came up to me. He grabbed my hands and pulled me up and started to dance. I laughed and watched him dance. He went to my iPod, turned it up to full blast and carried on dancing. He grabbed me and I started dancing too.

I will drive past your house, and if the lights are all out, I’ll see who’s around, LETS GO!  One way or another, I’m gonna find ya, I’m gonna get ya get ya get ya get ya, one way or another, I’m gonna win ya, I’ll get ya, I’ll get ya’

We were both dancing around the room like idiots, laughing.

I wanna hold ya wanna hold ya tight, get teenage kicks right through the night ’

We danced to the whole song and when it finished, we fell onto the bed out of breath, laughing.

I looked at the clock and it said 7:15 so I got up.

“I have to get ready” I said getting up. He pulled me back.

“You’re ready” he said.

“I have to put my make-up on and do my hair silly”

“You don’t need make up and your hair looks fine…silly” he winked at me and kissed my forehead as I blushed “do you want a coffee?”

“Yes please” I said going back to the dressing table and turning the music down.

He got up and went to the kitchen to make a coffee and I finished doing my make-up and hair.

After we were both dressed, ready and had finished our coffee we made our way down to the hall. There was an announcement as we made our way down the corridor.

“Can students please make their way to the gym for a short assembly. Thank you”

We started to make our way to the gym when I saw Alisha sitting in the corner, crying.

I told Marcus to carry on down and I’d be with him in a minute. He saw Alisha crying, nodded and made his way to the gym. I walked over to Alisha and sat next to her.

“Hey, are you okay?” I asked her

She looked at me “why do you care when all I’ve been is horrible to you?”

I laughed. To be honest, I didn’t have an answer so I just shrugged and went to stand up. She looked at me and sighed. “You know Maz right?”

I looked at her “yes?”

“I – I just” she started sobbing again “I don’t know how to tell him but-” she took a deep breath “I think I’m pregnant” she looked up at me.

(Alisha’s pov)

Why did I just tell Grace? I don’t even know her but somehow, I felt I could trust her and she knew Maz more than I did. We’re not even going out. It just happened and it couldn’t be anyone else. I just didn’t know what to do. What would my daddy say? Everybody hates me. I had no one to talk to. Everybody knew me as the girl with a rich father that gets what she wants. That wasn’t a good label.

Grace sat next to me and comforted me.

“I won’t tell anybody if you don’t want me to” she looked at me and I smiled to thank her.

“We better get going to see what this assembly is about then” I wiped my eyes and got up. Grace followed. I tried to forget about it but it’s pretty hard to forget! I only had one pregnancy test anyway, so it could be wrong. Right?


A/N  Heres the next chapter and im so sorry its late, I only just got my laptop back from my dads so its short but next one will be longer I promise(: and im getting back into uploading every Sunday. Thankyou for reading,it means so much. Please remember to vote/fan/comment that would be awesome and it motivates me to carry on;)<3 ~grace xxx~

OH,OH,I ALMOST FORGOT! everyone should go and check out my friend ella's fanfiction about alfie, its amazing!!! @heyheyimella    thankyou;)

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