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I pulled my jacket closer to myself, trying to protect myself from the cold rain that was falling.

I was outside Ben's house, to pick him up for our date.

He opened the door and I quickly entered, now shivering in his doorway.

"You look like a homeless puppy" he chuckled, to which I gently punched his arm.

He bent down slightly and placed a kiss on my forehead, "your shirt is wet"

"No shit" I joked, but froze when I felt his hands on my stomach.

He gently pulled my shirt off, "I'll get you a dry one"

He kissed my forehead again and disappeared into his bedroom, returning a moment later with a sweater.

He handed it to me, but I caught his eyes lingering on my bare chest.

"So, what do you have planned?" I asked, slipping the sweater on.

"Well I wanted to do a picnic, but the weather isn't great, so I was thinking we could have a picnic inside and watch a movie" he replied, eager.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, "sounds perfect"

He smiled excitedly and pecked my lips before running off, then calling for me to follow.

I entered the playroom where he had set up a blanket and his laptop, with an assortment of snacks.

He planted himself on the blanket gesturing for me to sit too.

We decided to watch Finding Nemo, which I learned is Ben's favorite movie.

"Did you know that clown fish can change their sex according to the needs of the group?" I asked.

We were halfway through the movie and I was now sitting between Ben's legs, my back pressed against his chest.

"And a group is all male except for one female, who is the alpha female and screws all the dude fish" I continued, "and if the female dies one of the males will change sex and become the new alpha, pretty cool right?"

"That kinda makes this movie weird" he said, "because Nemos mom dies, so Marlin would change sex and...breed with Nemo, scientifically speaking"

I noticeably cringed, "that is weird"

Once the movie had finished, we layed embracing each other, talking about anything and everything.

My head was on his chest, listening to his heartbeat, pulling me to sleep.

"Goodnight" I heard Ben say, kissing my forehead.

A smile spread across my face.

Hey y'all
Im so sorry this took so long
But thank you for 11k💕
Please keep voting and commenting.
Love you all

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