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We stood in a tattoo parlor, looking at the various colors of hairdye.

"Should I do dark or light blue?" Ben asked, tapping his foot in thought.

"I think light" I replied.

He smiled at me and bought the light blue.

"Are you only getting that one because I suggested it? Are you sure you want that one?" I questioned.

"I trust your judgment, plus I've always wanted to go blue" he replied.

We returned to his house and prepared the dining room table, "My mom will kill me if I get dye on anything"

Ben changed into an old t-shirt, and I slipped on the gloves that came with the dye.

"I've never done this before" I warned.

"Its okay, its not difficult" he replied, "I've always had to do it myself which is pretty difficult"

I separated his hair into sections and started painting the dye on.

"So, what colors have you had?" I asked.

"Pink, purple, blond for a while and red, I've always stuck to those kinda colors"

I hummed in understanding.

"Would you ever dyed yours?" He asked.

"I dont think so" I chuckled, "Im not that brave"

"I think it would look cute" he teased.

Once I finished applying the dye, we had to wait half an hour so we mindlessly watched Tv.

After half an hour passed Ben showered to wash the dye off.

"Oh, hello Dean" Mr Garrett greeted, entering the house and hanging his lab coat in the coat closet.

"Hello Mr Garrett" I greeted.

"Please call me Alec" he smiled, "where's Ben?"

"In the shower, rinsing off hairdye" I replied.

"Oh? What color?" He asked.

"Blue" I said.

He hummed, "he hasn't gone blue yet, that'll be interesting. Are you staying for dinner?"

"I can't"

"Thats a shame, you're welcome anytime" he smiled.

Ben came out of the shower in boxers and a large t-shirt, his hair dripping wet.

"I should get going" I told him, running my fingers through his wet hair.

"Okay, you won't be able to see the color properly yet anyway" he said, kissing my lips softly, "see you at school"

I said goodbye to Alec and drove home.

"Mom?" I called as I entered the house.

"In here" she called.

I walked into the living room seeing my mom sitting on the sofa next to a man I've seen a couple of times with my mom at the hospital.

He stood and shook my hand, "its nice to finally meet you, I've heard a lot of good things"

"Dean this is Adrian" she introduced, "he's my... boyfriend"

I smiled at my mother, seeing happiness in her kind eyes.

"We're going out to dinner, do you wanna come?" She asked, hooking her arm with his.

"No thanks mom, I don't want to intrude on your date" I replied.

"(Nonsense), you and Adrian can get to know each other" she said.

"I think that's a great idea" Adrian said.

I smiled at the couple, "Okay, let me just get changed"

We went to my mom's favourite restaurant; Angelo's.

Adrian was average height, looked to be a bit on the heavy side, he had grey eyes, a full beard and s gruff voice.

"So what do you do Adrian?" I asked as we sat down.

"I'm a lawyer for the hospital" he replied.

"Do you smoke?"

"I used to, quit quite recently" he said, smiling at my mom, she hates the smell of cigarettes.

Adrian and I didn't have a lot in common but he seems like a good guy and he makes my mom happy, so that's what matters.

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