Part 2: Overcome Your Fear

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Chapter 4: The Monster in Detention

They walked out of the room and into the hall. They stopped at the middle of the hall and went into a small room. “This is detention.” Olivia looked around the room as if she was an animal that had been taken from its natural habitat and into a zoo. “What’s wrong, little pup?” An unknown voice was speaking from behind them. “Oh no!” Angela cried. I turned slowly while Olivia and Angela attempted to hide. A giant body looked down at me. “Oh! Fresh meat!” A giant hand came swooping down at me. I ducked just in time. I saw that the hand turned into a fist, and I needed to escape right away. Soon, I saw a tall figure with a small amount of hair on his scalp. I crawled under a desk as the fist came back at me. I heard three loud steps coming toward me and suddenly the voice came at me again. “Tricky little one, aren’t you?” Now both of the monstrous hands came after me. I screamed bloody murder. The hands picked me up and there, in mid-air, I was dangling by my arms. I heard a soft murmur below. Angela and Olivia were attempting to make a plan, but apparently, they couldn’t talk. They were both staring at me as if I were a murderer. I focused hard on what I should do. Suddenly I started to kick my feet rapidly as if I were trying to run away. I hit the bully on the nose and he loosened his grip. I fell to the floor and got to my feet immediately.  I grabbed Olivia and Angela and we zipped out of the room as fast as possible.

Chapter 5: Homeroom Nightmare

Once we were in the hall, Olivia checked a clock on the wall. “YAY! Jenny, you’re going to meet Mrs. Grimwald now!” She grabbed my hand and started running down the hall. Soon we reached a door at the far end of the hall. “Ooo! She’ll love you! She’s the best teacher in the whole school!” Angela bent over my shoulder so she could reach my ear. She cupped her hand near my ear. “I personally think Mr. Warhol is the best teacher ever.” She winked and stood back up. Olivia was still going on about how great Mrs. Grimwald was. “Come on Olivia! Are you going to show Jennifer Mrs. Grimwald or what?” Angela put her hand on her hip and stared at Olivia. Olivia stopped talking and pushed the door open. To my surprise, Mrs. Grimwald was not bad at all. She was a decent looking woman, as a matter of fact. She was a young woman, (maybe in her mid twenties) and she had dark brown hair. She was wearing a white dress with black polka-dots. She was wearing big, silver hoop earrings. She smiled at me Olivia, and Angela. “Hello girls, is this Jennifer?” Mrs. Grimwald was sitting on a desk with a big, shiny sign that read: “MRS. GRIMWALD.” I looked from the sign to Mrs. Grimwald and beamed. Mrs. Grimwald beamed back. I felt a sense of warmth inside of me. It felt good, but only for a second. My body filled with a feeling as if I had just jumped into a river in December. Angela and Olivia must have noticed too, for they were staring, bug-eyed at a desk in a dark corner of the room. A familiar dark figure was sitting at the desk. A pair of giant hands was neatly folded on the desk. The hands that had grabbed me. A baldish head gleamed in the darkness. “What’s wrong girls?” Mrs. Grimwald started to walk over to us. The head turned to us in the darkness. “Haven’t you met Reginald?” I frowned. “Yes, we have Mrs. Grimwald.” Olivia was speaking. “Olivia! Why?” Angela was giving off heat behind me. Mrs. Grimwald patted her shoulder. “Well, go talk to him!” I felt my heart beating faster and faster. Another encounter with the school bully? I quickly turned to Angela. She looked furious. I decided that I should wait a little bit before talking to her. “I have to go run some errands. Be good little children until I return, okay?” Now I was sure that I was going home with a broken bone.

Chapter 6: Alone with the Beast

Before I even had a chance to say bye, Mrs. Grimwald was gone. I walked to the nearest chair and sat down. I felt like I was going to faint. My heart raced as I looked back to Reginald. He was ringing his hands. I shivered and looked back at Angela and Olivia. They were arguing about how Olivia had said they had met Reginald before. It seemed like Angela had taken it as if she meant Reginald was their friend. I walked over cautiously to the argument. “Guys. Stop. You need to stop fighting and listen.” Both of them looked over at me in astonishment. “Listen, we need to find out more about Reginald.” They both looked at me now like I was crazy. “Uhh, I’m not going anywhere near old Reggie!” Olivia shook her head. “Okay, we need to be nice to him for just this once to get information!” Angela nodded. “Oh! Now I see!” Olivia also agreed. We headed towards Mrs. Grimwald’s desk. I sat on the desk and Olivia and Angela sat on the floor in front of me. “Olivia, you stand watch.” I pointed towards the door. Olivia did a solute and walked to the door. “What do I do if I see Mrs. Grimwald?” “Uhh…” I thought hard. “Uhh… say cookies when you see her, alright?”  Olivia nodded. “Now us…” I thought really hard this time. “Angela, you’ll be my back-up.” Angela nodded. “Back-up. Alright.” She looked at the sky as if some advice about back-ups would fall towards her.  “You’re in charge for now, My job is to go up to Reginald and…” Angela looked at me and bug-eyed. “You’re going to try to become Reginald’s friend? Why, that’s impossible!” I turned from her to the chalk board and tried to ignore her. She’s right, I thought. How will I become friends with Reginald? He already hates me! I thought and thought until I thought my brain was dead. “I got it!” I shouted so loud that Olivia looked at me from across the room. “Wow.” Angela was whispering under her breath. “Okay.” I was so excited I was jumping on the spot! I picked through my pockets until I found what I was looking for. “This is something I bought at the mall!” I showed Angela and Olivia a football keychain.  “Good thinking!” Olivia yelled so loudly that Reginald took a peek at us. “Wait…” Angela looked uncertain at me. “What is it?” I started thinking and suddenly it came to me. Oh no. What if Reginald doesn’t like football? I cupped my hands over my face. Maybe he’ll still like it…

Chapter 7: The Peace Offering

“Now look what you’ve done, Angela!” Olivia nudged Angela.

“Sorry for thinking ahead!” Angela looked disgusted at Olivia. “Come on guys, this isn’t time for fighting!” I was started to sweat. “We only have so much time until the teacher comes back!” My legs felt like lead. “I’m going to go become friends with…” I sighed. “Reginald.” “Woo!” Olivia and Angela were cheering quietly. I walked slowly over to Reginald.  It felt like my heart was going to explode. Reginald looked at me. “What do you want?” I was just about to start hyper ventilating. “Uhh… I just wondered if you w-wanted to b-be friends…” Reginald looked at me like I should be in a straight jacket. “You want to be friends…with me?” Reginald’s face turned a light pink. “Uh... is there something wrong?” Reginald broke into tears. I froze right where I was. “Why do you want to be friends with me? Was this a dare? How much money are you getting, aye?” Reginald sat there and sniffled and cried for about five minutes. “Calm down, Calm down.” I looked back at Angela and Olivia who looked horrorstruck. I turned back. Reginald stopped crying, but now he was grumbling upsetting comments about me and my friends. “Hey… I got you something.” Reginald looked up and wiped some remaining tears off his face. “What?” I looked right into his eyes. “Yes, I got something for you and you only.” “No way.” Reginald looked up at me while I pulled a football keychain out of my pocket. “NO WAY” He repeated. I handed the keychain to Reginald and he hugged me so tight that I almost vomited. “If you press here,” I pointed to a small button on one of the stitches of the football. “A small candy will come out here.” I pointed to a small hole on the logo of the football. Reginald pushed the button and a tiny blue football came out of the hole and Reginald put it in his hand and played around with it a bit. “Thanks! You’re the first friend I’ve ever had!” I smiled and patted his shoulder. “I have to ask one favor of you though.” Reginald smiled. “What’s that?” “Please don’t bully my friends anymore.” He looked confused. “You mean Angela and Olivia? Sure thing, just as long as they don’t bully me!”  I smiled. This had to be the best possible day of my life! “Thanks buddy.”  Reginald smiled and waved. I walked proudly up the isle of desks I was in. Right when I got back to Angela and Olivia, Mrs.Grimwald walked in. She looked at us and beamed. “Time to get to work, girls!” She walked over to her desk and shuffled through her papers. I felt like I had got something accomplished for once. I sat and chatted with Angela and Olivia until I heard a loud clatter outside. What was all this noise about? Olivia looked at Angela like she had forgotten something. What was going on? Olivia turned to me. “Oh yeah, I forgot to tell something.” I looked at her with a puzzled expression. “We arrived a half-hour early to class!” “Oh!!” I knew there was something wrong. I pondered for a moment about who was going to be in my class…

Alright! What did you guys think?  I'm thinking of writing a "Paranorman" fan fiction, ot just a random story. I'll upload more in a bit!

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