Part 3: The Winter Ball

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Chapter 8: Meeting the Class

After a second of thinking, the door swung open and the class marched in. I looked through the crowd of people. There were so many students in my class! “Everyone seated?” Mrs.Grimwald shouted. All the kids were suddenly sitting down. “Wow.” I whispered to Olivia. I never thought the class was going to be so big! My eyes scanned the room. I spotted two girls texting each other. The funny thing was that they were sitting next to each other! I looked around the other half of the room and then I saw something that made me just stare. It was a boy. The boy of my dreams. I knew it just by looking. He had short, spiky, black hair and light green eyes.  I started staring at him. “Hey, are you okay?” Olivia and Angela were also staring, but not at the boy. They were staring at me. “Uh… Yeah, yeah. I’m fine.”  They turned back to each other and started chatting.

“Okay class!” Mrs. Grimwald was peering at all of us. “We have a new student!” Everyone started to look around. “Her name is Jennifer Small and she is sitting in row five!” Everyone stared at me. I felt my face getting hot. One of the girls that were texting giggled at me. The other girl that was texting pointed at me. I looked over at the boy I was in love with. He was looking at me. He wasn’t giggling or pointing. He was just staring. I wonder what he was thinking… Mrs. Grimwald slapped her desk. “Alright, let’s get to work!” After that we just re-learned our multiplication facts. I got up from my seat with Olivia and Angela. “Olivia!” Mrs. Grimwald was staring at Olivia and she beckoned for her to come over to her desk. While half of the class was already at their lockers, Olivia walked back and whispered into Angela’s ear. They both turned to me. “It’s time we show you where you’re locker is!” We went out to the lockers and they lead me to locker number 405. I turned to my side to see where Olivia and Angela’s lockers were. I smiled. Their lockers were right next to mine. We shoved our backpacks into the lockers and we started walking down the hall. “You’re lucky!” Olivia was looking at me. “Well, so are we.” Angela was staring at Olivia.  “What? HOW?” Olivia was staring at Angela so hard, it looked as if she were trying to cast a spell. “Listen, we are taking her around school! That means we get the day off!” Angela smirked. “Let’s get on with the tour, guys” I shouted. My two new best friends looked at me in surprise. “What?” I couldn’t find out what was wrong. Olivia grabbed my hand and ferociously marched down the hallway. Angela was walking to my right. We walked through the building on my “grand tour.” 

Chapter 9: The Winter Ball

When we got back into the classroom, Mrs. Grimwald had re-arranged seats. My dream boy sat next to me now “Hi, the name’s Robert, but you can call me Robbie.” WE shook hands. Robbie was hot! Angela giggled at me. I turned from Robbie immediately and blushed. I too giggled at bit. Once we got out of class, it was the end of the day. I went home and came back the next day. I soon realized that days where passing fast and soon it was winter! We had a winter ball coming up, and everyone had a date. That is, everyone but me. Olivia was going with Trey Lemke, number four on the basketball team. Angela was going with Justin Mason, the boy on the yearbook committee.  On the day of the ball, everyone was being romantic to each other. I tried to ask five boys out, but they all were taken. I decided to go alone. After school, I went straight to my apartment and got dressed and ready for the ball. “So, who are you going with honey?” My mom thought I had a date, but I decided to tell her the truth. “Nobody.” My mother looked shocked. “NOBODY?” I nodded. I started getting a lump in my throat. I felt my face getting hot. “Oh honey! Don’t cry! Not everyone is going with a date!” I thought for a second. Robbie isn’t going with anyone! I suddenly smiled. MY mother dropped me off at my school. I walked in and suddenly saw Olivia and Trey Lemke dancing. I looked to my left and saw Angela dancing with Justin Mason. Then I saw Robert. He WAS alone! I ran over to him and immediately asked. “Hey, want to dance?” I smiled. “Uh… Sorry. I’m dancing with Madi.” Suddenly a girl peered out from behind him. “Who’s this, Robbie?” She looked at me angrily. “Nobody honey.” Robert turned from me to Madi and started slow dancing and eventually kissing. I felt my face getting hot again. I suddenly felt the lump in my throat come back, too.  I ran away with my hands cupped over my face, hiding the tears. Flashbacks of Robbie flirting with me came back. I sat outside the gymnasium, crying my eyes out…

AGH! I couldn't resist posting this part of the story! I just love it so much! XD Please leave a vote or a comment! Thanks!

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