Chapter 1

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// A/N: The start of the story takes place on the first day of Zayn and Harry's senior year.

"Harry! Come on! We're gonna be late!" Zayn shouted outside Harry's bedroom door. It's the first day of senior year and Zayn doesn't want to be late.

Of course, as a the new team captain of the basketball team, he should set an example to his team mates and other students that being late is not okay.

Zayn knocked again as he heard Harry groaned from the other side of the door. Zayn chuckled from that. He loves to tease Harry.

After minutes later, the door opened revealing Harry all dressed for school, plus, he has a grumpy face "It's about time you've opened up" Zayn said as Harry gave a tongue out and glared at Zayn "What are you rushing for? Classes starts not until 8" Harry said as he grabbed his sling bag and sling it on his shoulders "And your point is?" Zayn asked as Harry sighed "It's only past 7" Harry answered back as Zayn chuckled and pulled Harry out of his room.

After Harry's out of the room, he draped his arm on Harry's shoulders. Harry can smell Zayn's cologne and Harry loves his smell "Well, it's better that we're early than late" Zayn said as they made their way towards the stairs.

They both walked down the stairs as they smelled a delicious aroma coming from the kitchen "Anne's cooking something!" Zayn said as he let go of Harry and walked first towards the kitchen and when he got there, he saw Anne putting plates on the table "Good morning Anne!" Zayn greeted as Anne perked her head up and smiled seeing Zayn "Good morning Zayn dear. Come, eat breakfast" Anne said as Zayn smiled and sat and put his backpack on the floor "Here, waffles and bacons!" Anne cheerily said as she put food on Zayn's plate "Thank you Anne!" Zayn said "You're welcome" She replied

"Wow, Zayn's your son now, huh?" Both Zayn and Anne looked at Harry who slouchily sat on his chair "Good Morning too, Harry" Anne said as she served Harry food "Eat" she said as Harry began to eat.

After breakfast, the boys bid goodbye to Anne "Good luck! You boys do good!" Anne said before Zayn and Harry made their way outside.

As they've reached the front porch, Zayn grabbed his keys to his bike as he jogged towards his black motorbike that's parked at the pavement of the street "Come on Harry" Zayn excitedly said as Harry rolled his eyes "Why are you so excited about being a senior?" Harry asked as he stopped in front of Zayn's bike as Zayn hopped on "Last year of High school and of course, I'll be the team captain" Zayn answered as Harry softly scoffed "Hey—" Zayn softly said as he take hold of Harry's arm as Harry looked at his hazel eyes that's beautiful as ever "You're gonna do great okay? For sure, you'll be the lead on this year's school play" Zayn assured with a sweet smile as Harry's heart just melted.

Zayn really knows how to make Harry feel better and he's been doing this for a decade now.

Like when Harry fell from the sandbox at age 5, Zayn kissed his scraped from his knee, or when the time Harry fell from the bike which Zayn taught him to ride when they were at their first grade, Zayn also made the pain go away, or where Harry outed himself to Zayn and to the whole school, Harry saying "It's okay if you won't be my bestfriend anymore. I understand" but Zayn didn't pushed him away.

In fact, Harry felt he's even more secure with Zayn after that. He's been his knight in shining armor. He'd protected Harry from the People who tormented Harry. Harry's really grateful that Zayn is his bestfriend.

"Come on buddy, hop in" Harry smiled as he nodded his head and hopped on Zayn's bike.

They rode Zayn's bike to school and when they've reached the parking area, the students eyes darted on Zayn. Most of them are girls, as always.

Zayn took off his helmet as the girls began to squeal. Harry hopped out first and removed the helmet on his head and handed it to Zayn "They're staring again" Harry said as Zayn looked around and smiled at the girls.

The girls gasped that Zayn smiled at them as they squealed some more "You should've used to it by now" Zayn said to Harry "Every year of every day, they giggled and squealed when they saw you. Don't they get tired?" Harry said as Zayn shrugged and hopped out of his bike.

He put the spare helmet on his bike trunk while he dangled his helmet on the handle "After senior, you won't have to worry because we'll be in college and no one for sure will squeal like High school girls" Zayn said as he draped his arm on Harry's shoulders "Come on, senior year, here we come!" Zayn said as he pulled Harry towards the entrance of the school.

// A/N: Yey chapter 1! whohooooo! Okay, Zayn and Harry as bestfriends—they're like goals! Zayn's the prince while Harry's the princess. Yehaa! So cute! I can't imagine!

Thank you for the reads and votes!

Spread love and not hate!

— the CAT xx

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