Chapter 20

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Zayn and Harry continued on to be bestfriends and boyfriends.

Zayn told Liam about what happened and Liam was half shocked that Zayn fell inlove with Harry. He's also happy that Zayn finally realize his feelings for Harry.

As for Harry, he was a little shy telling Niall about him and Zayn but when he did, Niall was all smiles and he was so happy for Harry. Niall has a hunch that both of them feel the same way that they're crazy in love with each other.

The students at school immediately grasp that Zayn and Harry are now officially together since Zayn's the one who's not that subtle.

He would always held Harry's hand, stole a kiss or pulled him towards him, holding Harry's hips. Zayn can't resist Harry and Harry's always blushing when Zayn shows his affection to Harry publicly.

The news also got to Louis and upon hearing it, he was heartbroken but there's nothing else he can do because from the start, Harry loves Zayn.

Louis tried, he did tried to take Harry away from Zayn but, Harry's feelings are too strong for Zayn. As weeks past, he accepted the fact that Harry loves Zayn. Louis isn't affected anymore whenever he sees Harry and Zayn together. In fact, he would just give a smile at Harry and then moved on.

He must moved on.

So after all these drama in their senior year, graduation came and Zayn and Harry are both excited!

They wore their toga's and hats as Zayn smiled at Harry, they're preparing for their graduation ceremony to start as they're still at the school hallway "Zaynie? The ceremony's about to start and you're pulling me here, why?" Harry whined as Zayn grinned "I got to give you something!" Zayn answered as Harry tilted his head to the side "Okay?" Zayn stopped as they're now both standing in the middle of the hallway aligned to their lockers.

Zayn went to his locker and grabbed something.

After that, Harry heard his locker shut as Zayn went back towards him with a big grin "What's that?" Harry asked as Zayn grinned some more. Harry raised his brows "Babe, I've got us something" Zayn said as Harry smiled "Okay?" Zayn then showed Harry a black box.

Harry's breathing hitched as he saw the box "Come on, open it" Zayn said as Harry nodded and take hold of the box. He slowly opened it and when he did, he gasped.

Inside the box was a round, silver bracelet "Wow, sooo shiny" Harry softly chuckled as Zayn smiled. Zayn take out the silver bracelet and grabbed Harry's left hand "For now, this will be our promise bracelet" Zayn said as Harry bit his bottom lip because of too much romantic feelings "....a promise that we'll be forever—" Zayn then turned the bracelet on the side of Harry's wrist as something was engraved on it "—together" Harry finished Zayn's sentences as he smiled widely at Zayn "Forever together" Zayn repeated as he showed Harry his own silver bracelet that has engraved Forever.

Zayn has the word Forever while Harry has together. Both of them leaned in closer to each other until they kissed, the kiss of sweet, intimate and filled with love.

"I love you Harry" Zayn mumbled as Harry smiled "I love you too, Zaynie"

Harry and Zayn started out as bestfriends but ended up as lovers.

They were complications at first but in the end, their love still wins.

// A/N: Okay okay! My story is about to end! Aaaahhhhhh! I love writing this story. Its filled with sweetness and fluff! I can't thank you guys enough for reading my AU! Thank you guys for the votes and comments! I really, REALLY appreciate you guys!

Feel free to read my other au's! Hope you'll love it!

Epilogue next!

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