Chapter 9

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"How did that happened?" Zayn asked Harry as both of them are Liam's backyard, alone.

They needed to talk. Zayn needed explanation on why Louis suddenly became Harry's boyfriend.

Harry looked at Zayn with confusion "What do you mean how did it happened?!" Harry asked, almost raising his voice. Why would Zayn asked something like that? "I know you're dating but I didn't expected it that you'll be official" Zayn said with a little ache in his heart "He's charming, thoughtful and gentle with me Zayn. That's why I asked him to be his boyfriend" Harry answered " asked him to be your boyfriend?"

"Yeah. Nothing's wrong with that"

"Harry, I told you not to throw yourself at anyone right?" Zayn defensively said as Harry stilled "I told you not to throw yourself at some guy just to make them like you" Zayn added as Harry's blood suddenly boiled.

Zayn's pissing him off "We are dating! Its different!" Harry answered back, almost shouting "Still!—"

"Zayn! I'm not a girl okay?!" Harry barged in as Zayn closed his mouth "Stop treating me like I'm your girl bestfriend. I'm gay and gay guys can ask their dates if they want to be boyfriends" Harry said "I was just trying to protect—"

"Protect? Protect from what? Zayn, I am grateful and thankful that you're my bestfriend but this whole protection thing? It's too much! I can date who I want and be somebody's boyfriend" Harry's now shouting "And why do you keep on 'protecting' me from Louis? I didn't say anything when you're tonsil hocking with Gigi" Harry added as Zayn's eyes widened. Gigi? How did she get into the topic? "What the hell Harry? Gigi and I are—"

"Yeah, deny it! Deny that nothing happened" Harry said as he glared at Zayn "From now on, we're on our own" Harry said as Zayn's heart started to beat fast "What....what are you saying?" Zayn softly asked as Harry stared at him "We need a break Zayn. We've been each others backs since kids. Aren't you sick of us being always together?" Harry questioned as Zayn gulped "From now on, we'll just talk to each other if needed. Think of us as acquaintances" Harry suggested "That's crazy Harry!"

"That's what I want. So please, respect it" Harry said as Zayn closed his mouth.

He deeply sighed and shake his head. He can't believe Harry just said that!

"If that's what you want, fine!" Zayn responded as he turned around and stormed off, leaving Harry with doubt. Doubt if Harry can survive without Zayn and doubt if his heart can take it that Zayn is no longer his bestfriend.

After seeing Zayn leave, Harry's heart just cracked. What the hell did he do? Did he seriously just broke off his friendship with Zayn?

"Harry?" Harry looked straight ahead as he saw Louis "Is everything alright? I saw Zayn inside and he was.....I don't know, mad?" Louis said as Harry gulped, it's too late to take back what he said now can he? "Hey, what happened?" Louis asked as he approached Harry and put his hands on Harry's shoulders "We uh—we uh.....have a fight" Harry responded "And then?" Louis asked "I sorta broke up with him" Harry softly answered "I broke our friendship" Harry said as he looked at Louis's eyes "This is not right, I should apologize" Harry realized.

He was about to go inside when Louis stopped him "Hey, calm down okay?" Louis said "Maybe this is for good Harry. Good for you" Louis gave out a small smile "Now, no one can tell you off. Now, you have your own life. Now, you can like whoever you want without Zayn lecturing you" Louis take Harry's hand "You have me Harry. Don't worry about Zayn" Louis said as Harry stared at him for a while before nodding "You're right. I have you" Harry said as he took a deep breath and inhaled and exhaled "He'll be fine" Harry said with ease as he smiled at Louis.

And for Louis, he's feeling great that Zayn's out of the picture.

He hated him anyway.

Now, he have Harry all to himself.

// A/N: Woooooooow! Did Harry just seriously broke off their friendship? That's bad! My ZARRY heart is aching! And Louis! Selfish selfish. Intense bestfriends fight! What do you think? Lol.

You're gonna love the next chapter.

Omg! 2h reads! Thank you guys! Thank you for reading, voting and leaving comments! Virtual hugs and kisses!

Spread love and not hate! 🥰

— the CAT xx

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