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The world is different then it was hundreds of years ago. It's changed, evolved. How do I know? Because Mother Nature told me. Mother Nature knows a lot of things. She's been her since the beginning.

As for me, I'm what people call an Elemental. It means that I live with a Natural Spirit and I have the same powers that they have. The expression Elemental was never actually accurate, but it's what normal people call people like me. You can tell a Elemental apart from normal people because we have this symbol on our left wrist.

The symbol you have depends on what Elemental you are. Some Elementals have the ability to make the symbol "disappear". Elementals don't have parents, only the Nature; Spirit that takes care of us. But I'm getting ahead of myself. 

The year is 5201, it's been years since the first sun exploded and a new one formed. The scientists of the past overestimated how big the explosion was going to be. Earth was completely fine and life continued.

Some says the earth hasn't changed much since then, but those are the ignorant people of society. Earth has changed. Now, you can find two completely different biomes coexisting right next to each other. 

I live in the Full Forest with Mother Nature. The Full Forest got its name because every different type of biome on Earth can be found her. Forest gives away to Savannah, Savannah gives away to Tundra, and so forth.

As you can probably tell, the world has changed a lot since the explosion of the first Sun, and there is still more change to come.

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