Chapter 2

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"Come on, Sky! Hurry up!" I yell over my shoulder.

"Yeah, Sky, hurry up!" Flame echoes.

"I'm hurrying, I'm hurrying!" Sky says as she catches up to us, "I just saw the prettiest and sweetest smelling flower over there!"

I laugh. "You do this every time we pass this part of the forest!" Flame says.

Sky crosses her tiny, blue arms.

"Well, I'm sorry if I like sweet smelling flowers!" She says crossly.

"Guys, cut it out, we're here," I say.

We emerge from the forest and are greeted by the Savannah. The Savannah is a great place for shooting practice because poachers are most active in the savannah.

"Alright! Lets get started!" I say.

I get my quiver and bow out of the CSB, which is what I call my bracelet. CSB stands for Computer Storage Bracelet.

I sling my quiver and bow over my shoulder then I'm off, with Sky following close behind and Flame trying not to fall off my shoulder. It doesn't take long to get to the hill. There is a special hill in every section of the forest where I go to either draw, write or look for poachers.

Today, I get to the top of the hill and I immediately see poachers in a jeep chasing after a white rhino.

"You two wait here," I say to Flame and Sky.

"Why can't we go with you?" Flame asks as he jumps off my shoulder.

"You know why, but remember what to do it I get in trouble," I say, then I slide down the hill, kicking up dust as I go.

I immediately break into run as soon as I'm on level ground. I turn myself into a bee and I fly past the poachers' jeep then I land in a tree. I transform back into myself then I grab an arrow from my quiver and I get ready to fire.

The first arrow hits the front right tire, making the vehicle lurch. The second arrow hits the back right tire causing the jeep to tilt to one side. The third arrow takes out the left front tire causing the jeep to stop completely.

"Thank you."

I turn my head and notice that the rhino has stopped and is looking back at me. I know I'm the only one who can understand what it's saying. I nod at the rhino and it keeps on running into the distance.

Meanwhile, the poachers are getting out of the jeep, trying to figure out what caused them to stop and lose the rhino.


One of them pulls an arrow out of one of the tires. I duck behind a branch of the tree so they won't see me.

"There isn't anyone around, though," A man with a giant mustache and giant muscles says.

I dub thee Giant, I think to myself. I have to cover my mouth with my hand to keep myself from laughing.

When I move my hand, it brushes a branch. The poachers look up at my tree and I freeze, hoping they don't investigate. Unfortunately, they walk closer. I think about how to get out of this, then it comes to me. I flew into this tree as a bird, if I transform back into a bird, I can fly away and hope they don't shoot me. I eye the gun Giant has in his hand.

I take a deep breathe then I transform. I shift my footing a little, so I can get a good push off. When I move, the leaves on the tree rustle and the poachers get startled and back away a little. I smirk a little then I spread my wings and I fly into the sky.

"It was just a dumb bird," Giant says.

Then he takes the gun and points it at me. I try to fly away as fast as I can. Giant pulls the trigger and I have to do a fancy loop in the air to avoid it.

"Whoah! Who knew stupid birds could do that?" One at the poachers says.

"Shut up!," Giant shouts at the others, "This bird thinks it's smart, ay? Well, we'll see about that."

I gulp. I have to dodge a few more shots, but I make it to the forest with out getting shot. I transform back and hide behind a rock on the edge of the forest so I can watch the poachers.

Giant is yelling at them. Something about finding a way back to the city or having the Boss find their bodies burned up in the desert. Giant talks to someone on his walky-talky and a few minutes later, a helicopter arrives to pick them up.

I wait until the helicopter flies away, then I whistle for Flame and Sky. When they arrive, we head back to the clearing. 

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