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How? How did it all end up to this?

Aviator! Wake up dammit!" Skull, one of Aviator's best friends since they were so little, shakes him awake. Aviator jumps in his seat, hitting his knee on the table. "Rrrrgh... dammit Skull you scared the shit out me," Aviator growls in pain. "Clearly... you fell asleep in class again," Skull shakes his head. Aviator realizes he did as he was looking around the classroom. "Shit... not again..." Aviator murmurs to himself. "Really Avi, you need to sleep..." Skull sighs. The two purple inklings were in mathematics, as usual the others had their eyes glued to the teacher or their phones looking at social media and whatnot. Skull, being the good friend he is, catches up Aviator on what he was missing when he dozed off.

The bell screeches as class was finally over, but there came a sudden announcement. "All afternoon clubs and activities are cancelled, please go straight home." Everyone leaves the classroom and went to their lockers; Skull and Aviator meet up at the front doors and walked home together. Conveniently they lived next door, window to window. "Promise me you'll sleep tonight?" "Yeah Yeah, I will," Aviator rolls his eyes as the two were walking home. They were silent, when suddenly Aviator was pushed against a wall. The stranger that was so familiar started hurting Aviator badly. One deck to the nose, kicks, punches, all mixed in the beating.

Aviator suffered, trying to push this blue inkling off of him. He tried defending his poor being, but it seemed too much to just struggle. After all, he was only 2 inches taller than the small Aviator. So he just stops as the pain spreads through his body, scarring his gentle skin. He accepted his fate of death, until the inkling collapses to his feet. Blood, seeping from his back and mouth. Aviator looks up from the corpse of Goggles and shakily stumbled to Skull with his cuts and bruises. Skull was holding his trusty pocket knife with the blood of Goggles dripping down to his hand. "S-Skull...?" Aviator trips into his arms. He hugged Skull tight as he slightly cried. "Avi... don't cry..." Skull tries to sooth him.

"....you... killed Goggles..."

"Yeah. I guess."

"B-But... that was was someone's life you took..."

"It was rather yours, or his."

"What do we do...? What if we're found like this?!"

"Avi... please. The less you freak, the better we could get out of this mess. Let's go hide his body," Skull takes Aviator out of his embrace and grabbed Goggles' hands. Aviator grabs his feet and they hid Goggle's corpse in a random neighbor's trash.


So this is another book wowie
Lovely intro right~?


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