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Skull ran out of the school with his gun in his pocket, hurrying himself to the square. On his way he heard police men talk about his recent murders.

• • •

"We have been noted to others killed today as well... one shot other one I'm guessing a fake suicide?"

"Whatever it is we need to find more evidence to show who's behind all of his murderous chaos...."

"There's been this rumor that's been going around this kid is the one who's behind the murders."

"The kid with the aviator shades? I mean it is possible."

"They say a purple inkling has been suspicious lately, he's clearly purple and looks shady...."

"Then it's settled... this is the description they clearly stated"

"Oh fuck... not Aviator... this is so my fault..." Skull thought and ran after him. The police cars were obviously faster but this still didn't stop Skull from running to save someone he loved so dearly...

• • •

The square seemed a bit...empty today. Aviator still smoked more of his cigarettes around the square and sitting at one of the circle tables. "THERE HE IS! GETTEM!" The police whistles, and a bunch of officers farted towards his way with guns. "Oh shit-" Aviator sprung out of his seat and bolts it, escaping as quick as possible.. "COME ON! WE CANT GO LOSING HIM!" The officers started to chase Aviator like crazy. "What they fuck do they want me for?" Aviator thought as he ran for his life. He turns into a corner, making himself stuck. Police men all corned him to the wall.

Skull ran, his feet thumping against the ground, his heart pounding, ready to burst out of his chest. "Avi," he mumbled his eyes darting from alleyway to alleyway.
"Oh cod, where are you?" He stumbled stopping at the sound of shouts. There stood Aviator, shaking as he slowly backed up, ahead of him police officers stood pointing their guns at him. Skulls eyes widened and started running for Aviator, he heard the click of a gun as one of the officers was getting ready to shoot.


Skull shoved Avi behind him just as the gun went off.
Skull stopped in his tracks, stumbling forward from the momentum.
He collapsed onto his knees staring down at the wound in his chest. Blood poured out of it, staining the ground as it pooled around him. Avi gasped running to his side covering the wound as he slowly fell to the ground.

"Skull..." He mumbled,
"Skull why?" Tears filled up Aviator's eyes, pouring down beneath his glasses. "I should of never brought you into this mess... t-the last thing i want is for you to be killed.... this i-is all m-my...fault..." Skull coughs as more cool blood seeped from his wound and stained his shirt. "You idiot...." Aviator croaks as more tears fell, hitting Skull's cheek. "Can y-you sing me someth-thing...? B-Before my time is up....?" Skull weakly wipes Aviator's tears away. Aviator hesitated, but had to do it for Skull.

...More than words...

"All you have to do is close your eyes and just reach out your hands..."
"And touch me, h-hold me close...don't ever let me g-go..."
"More than words is all I ever needed you to show..."
"Th-then you wouldn't have...t-to say that you l-love m-me..... cause I........"

"I'd already know...."

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