「The Empty Funeral」

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Aviator scheduled Skull's funeral and invited everyone he knew that was still alive. It just felt right to give him a funeral, at least for Aviator.

March 28th

Lavender and lilacs were spread across Skull's new tombstone and coffin they were going to bury him in, scattered with dancing petals from a white lily. Outside it was pouring and gloomy, with only Aviator attending to his funeral. It hurt Aviator more than it would for Skull that nobody else showed up, even Paisly and Stitch didn't even come. Aviator knew they couldn't come, but with everyone else, he was more disappointed in all of them. Aviator held onto Skull's guitar and his aviators, then opening up his coffin... to see him, for the last time. Skull's appearance didn't change, he seemed more at peace. Aviator slips the guitar into his coffin, styling Skull to make his corpse hold the guitar that was his. Before Aviator could cry anymore, he slams the coffin shut, turning away. Grave diggers surrounded the coffin and carefully set Skull's coffin within about 6 feet down. They start throwing the soggy dirt onto the coffin, with the sharp rain drops hitting every surface around them.

They filled the whole in the ground as the rain poured dramatically. Aviator watched as the grave diggers left, he stepped forward to Skull's grave.

3/3 - 3/6•
•In loving memory of a S4 member•

Aviator knelt in front it, placing Skull's skull bandana in front of the stone, then resting the aviator shades on top. He rose his head up, reading his stone. "Ah cod dammit Skull... if it was your intention to make me cry you're doing a great job..." Aviator mumbled to himself, just like if he was talking to his best friend... no, more than a friend.

Aviator was now very drenched and cold from the chilling rain drops, when suddenly warm hands pulled him into a hug. "You damned cousin... always beating me at everything. Even death..." Stitch was joining Aviator as she hugged him. Paisly was behind them, holding a black umbrella. Aviator pushes himself out of the hug to look at Stitch with her mascara running in very nice clothing. She wore a classy black dress what went to her knees. "St-Stitch...? You really c-came... and you did too... P-Paisly...." Aviator chokes in between sobs. "How could I miss my own cousin's funeral? That's just rude..." she wipes her running mascara and tears away, placing down her stitch hat next to his aviators. Paisly ripped off her own bandana, crouching down by the two and also setting it by theirs.

"He was always so weird... wish his weirdness kept going..." Paisly sighs, leaning on Stitch. "Yeah... we all do," Aviator smiles through his cloudy eyes crying and mixing with the rain. "Oh right...! I forgot something..." Stitch reaches into her purse, pulling out six lollipops and set three of them down. She gave the others to herself and the other two. "He would of wanted this..." Aviator stood up, and the girls follow him. They walked around the graveyard, looking at other past lives, running into a few others that Skull killed. They saw the rest of the s4's graves too. Army's scattered with roses, Aloha's with hibiscuses, and Mask with calico lilies, all of theirs had the same text of being a S4 member.

The three inklings grew tired, so they went to their own separate houses, except Aviator. He wandered into Skull's old house, due to his family moved out but kept Skull's belongings inside his old room. Everything in his room were in place; his bed backed into the corner, his nightstand next to the bed which was also a drawer that stored his clothing, his e liter 4k with scope sat in another corner of his room. He used to have a bookshelf, but it seems his parents took that with them too.

A singular note was placed on the bed, carefully Aviator picked it up. He unfolds the note, reading.

"Will you know my name, if I saw you in heaven?"

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