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"Beware of the false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves."

-Matthew 7:15


Ashinne heard a voice that she'd never heard before.

"Ar lathem ma, ar nedan ma," The voice whispered, caressing the elf's cheeks with its breath.

The voice was familiar to her, yet she knew not why. The whisper embodied a spirit that held her close to it, touching her skin with its hands and placing its gentle lips upon her face.

Ashinne grew somewhat fearful of the spirit, and she pushed it away with another questionable spark from her hands. The spirit flashed with purple at the touch of her hands, and it looked back at her in disbelief once it came down from its shock.


Ashinne gawked at the spirit in confusion, then stared back down at her hand which still pulsated with purple energy.

"I do not know what you speak of, spirit." She told it, reaching for it with her magical hand.

The spirit backed away in fear, pointing at said hand while shaking its head.

"Re athlanal'harel!" It cried, running into the endless abyss and leaving Ashinne alone.


"Tel'vara!" Ashinne screamed, waking from her slumber with a start.

Her head arose from a warm, leather cuirass that smelled of embrium, and just the feeling and scent alone was almost enough to put her back to sleep. Almost.

She hadn't realized she was elevated from the ground, riding the back of a noble steed along with another individual. The person was feminine in curvature, dark-haired, and wore daggers upon her hips...

"Woah, there!" The female shouted, desperately trying to regain control of the horse that was currently flailing around in fear. Ashinne was too caught up in her own thoughts to understand the severity of the situation and was flung from the back of the horse with a single buck of its back legs.

She landed in a patch of powdery snow that chilled her skin and bones through her tattered clothing, reddening her cheeks and the tips of her pointed ears. But despite her sudden chill, she felt the need to relieve the woman of her troubles. As she stood from the snow, she felt eyes watching her, judging her, glaring through her. But she paid no mind to his eyes; those icy, blue eyes.

She allowed the calming spell to charge in her hand as she walked to the bucking horse, and once she neared close enough, she cast it.

"Atish," She spoke bluntly, watching the horse with a look of confidence as the steed came to a halt. The woman atop the horse loosened her grip on the reigns with a sigh of relief before looking to the elven maiden, a smile adorning her lips.

"I guess I should be thanking you," Said the woman, tilting her head forward to nod in Ashinne's favor.

Ashinne bowed in return, clasping her hands to her front in respect.

"You would have been in danger had I not stopped him," She told the woman, unclasping her hands to rest at her sides. The roguish woman simply laughed in response.

"I think he was startled by your sudden screaming," The woman reached down to pet the steed's luscious mane and caressed the side of his face gently. Ashinne sweat at her words.

Inan'abelas // DAI; SolasWhere stories live. Discover now