letter to my bestfriend

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• inspiration for this is my homework that's due today.

• that I didn't do, cause wattpad

• enjoy


dear harry,

Zayn and Niall came over today, they don't know you're gone yet. we agreed for it to be kept a secret. remember the first time I met them? I wasn't keen to the idea, but you insisted I meet your best friends, and honestly who could say no to you? the meeting was actually alright. it wasn't awkward or anything like I thought it would be. we had a cookout at their house and just relaxed by the pool. everything was going great until Zayn decided to put his hand on you. you reassured me that him slapping your bum was harmless, but that didn't cool me down any. you knew how I got when I was angry so you tried holding me back, but I was ready to kill Zayn. I pried your hands off of me, and lunged at him. after that all I saw was red. I wanted nothing more than to severely hurt Zayn. next thing I remember we were home. I knew what I did was wrong, and I knew I hurt you.. I apologized over and over again. to my surprise you hugged me and told me "its alright". funny thing is, it wasn't.. but for some reason I believed you. and in the end it was okay just like you said, Zayn eventually forgave me and we all became friends. even though lets be real I will always be your number one best friend.

your best friend,



• updating in class

• might get in trouble

• oh well

• byeeeeee

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