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Teddy Lupin, the son of Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks, is now two years old. Up until a month ago, he was living with his grandmother. However, there was an attack on the home by a group of remaining Death Eaters. Mrs. Tonks did not survive.

Now the question of where Teddy Lupin is going to stay has been asked to two people. One, his godfather, and two, his last tie by blood. Unfortunately for Teddy, these two men happen to be old rivals.


“Draco, we’ve fought over this a hundred times by now. Remus told me that he wanted me to take care of him. I am his godfather.” Harry James Potter was now 19 years old and training to be an auror at the Ministry of Magic. Though it had only been two years since the Battle of Hogwarts, Harry had grown a substantial amount, filling out quite well. He was now at least 6’, his hair as unruly as ever, and heavily muscled due to all the time spent working out for auror training.

“Potter, I am the last remaining blood relative to him. Besides! He cries whenever you try to pick him up!” Draco Lucius Malfoy, having just turned twenty, had not grown an inch since leaving school. He wasn’t short by any means but at 5’9”, Harry towered over him. And those muscles were definitely not helping Draco focus by any means. His platinum blonde hair was the same length as it was back before the Battle of Hogwarts but Draco hardly bothered to do more than brush it. Without the gel, it was fluffy and tended to fall into his face a lot. Draco said that it was only because he never had the time to care for it but it wasn’t a secret that he kept his hair like that because Teddy liked it.

“Boys, do you really have to fight over this right now? I just put Teddy down to sleep and if he wakes up, I am going to transfigure you both into rats.” Hermione snapped, coming into the kitchen. She looked very frazzled, her puffy hair sticking up everywhere.

Pansy came into the kitchen as well, looking sleepy. She came over to Hermione, snuggling her fluffy haired wife close to her. “You woke me up, assholes.” She snapped at the two men.

“Oh blow me, Pans.”

“Already did that.”

Draco went red. “No you did not!” He crossed his arms. At his sharp tone, Teddy started to wail from the next room. He scowled at her but instantly went to go take care of Teddy. He completely doted on that boy. The second Draco was gone, both girls turned to Harry. Pansy had her arms around the shorter girl, her chin resting on top of Hermione’s head and her arms around her waist, yawning. “You have to ask him at some point, Harry.” Hermione said, annoyed. He frowned at her.

“Hermione, that option is completely out of the picture. Malfoy would never want to do that. What would I even say? ‘Hey Malfoy, I know we hate each other but want to move in with me? To my tiny one room apartment in a muggle community?’ Besides, Teddy-”

“Growing up moving from house to house and constantly having your parental figures fighting is not a good thing, Harry.” Pansy said with a soft sigh. “I know Draco. He’s been my best friend for as long as I can remember. The way he acts with Teddy, he’s not letting his cousin go. I haven’t seen him this happy… well… ever.”

Harry sighed, watching Draco through the doorway. The blond was laughing as Teddy kept babbling: “Dwaco! Dwaco!” The little toddler’s hair was platinum blond to match Draco’s, even though it was all fluffy and standing up from his blankets. He was trying to grab at some of the wisps of Draco’s hair that were falling into the Slytherin’s face. He sighed and turned back to Hermione and Pansy who were looking at him expectantly.

Even though he told himself that he was asking Draco only so Teddy would be happy, the way his heart sped up as Draco looked up at him with those sharp, silver eyes begged to differ.

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