🌼 thirty seven

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"Ty?" His eyes widened a little and he set his hand gently on the brunettes cheek, his mocha orbs shifted between both of Tyler's. He was dubious, almost as if he wasn't sure how to perceive this situation at all. Just as his doubts came flooding in, he melted at the mere sight of the deep honey irises under those fluttering eyelashes.

"Joshie.." He mumbled softly and his bent knees tightened around Josh's hips, "It's really y-you?"

Before he could speak again, Josh pulled him down chest to chest in a warm hug, his trembling arms wrapped around the smaller boys shoulders and held him tightly against his body. "It's me, flower, it's me," He felt the brunette lay his head on his shoulder, the boys nose barely contacting the skin of his neck and he could feel each shaky breath under his chin.

"I missed you, rosebud."


"Please don't apologize. I'm just so happy you're back again, you know? Back to the old you." As he spoke, he felt a soft nod against his neck, his hands rubbing Tyler's back. The boy was so warm, emanating body heat against the astonished redhead. The way the brunette was softly spoken wasn't the only thing that convinced him, it was how his eyes were so innocently soft again, how his movements were so kitten-like and gentle, how he laid against Josh with such a warm, trusting comportment.

He gently pushed Tyler back so he was sitting up again, rosy cheeks made his nose and cheek freckles stand out in the most adorable way. He smiled again and kissed Tyler's forehead tenderly, which made the boy smile shyly and clutch Ned against his chest again.

"I have to go make a quick call, okay?"

"Okay, Joshie."

The redhead nodded before opening his door and letting Tyler climb off of his lap, he followed him out of the car and waited until he climbed back in to carefully shut the door and pull out his phone. He clicked on his contacts and scrolled until he found the name 'Momma Dun', glancing at the car again and then clicking green call button.

He stepped away from the car and held the phone to his ear, the sound of the other line ringing went on for only a few seconds before he got an answer. There was a click, then a soft "Hello?"

"Hey, mom."

"Are you boys okay? What's up?"

"Yeah, we just went to get Taco Bell and we ate in the car." He looked back again, and he smiled when he saw the boy climb back into his seat to dig into the brown bag.

"Oh, that's good. Things have been good here so far, I explained everything to Kelly and so now she has a better understanding of Tyler's struggles."

"Actually, that's why I called you."

"What do you mean?"

"Tyler remembers me, mom."

"What?? Really?" She said with exhilaration, it's clear she was trying to keep her voice down too, though.

"We started talking about everything that happened but I didn't want to tell him why he was in the hospital. I wasn't sure if that was important for his memory, but apparently not because he kissed me and then something snapped and he remembers who I am and who I was."

"Oh my gosh, I-I don't even know what to say, Joshua. I'm so happy for you, I'm glad you two will be able to move past this and create a brighter future now."

"Thanks, mom."

"What're you going to do if and when he remembers what happened before he was put in the hospital?"

sweet as a flower. (Joshler)Where stories live. Discover now