Chapter 5.2

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Trees blur past me as I run and jump over rocks and tree roots. My wolf yips in excitement, in the thrill of running, and for the first time in the past couple of days, I truly feel free and relaxed.

My wolf wants out, to run and explore also, but she knows she can't, not yet at least.

I start to slow when the trees start to thin and the Pack House comes into view. Wolves are scattered across the yard; people going their daily duties, and children playing in the summer sun with a hose.

I avoid getting targeted with the hose by going around to the front of the house. I open the door to see a group of warriors watching a baseball game, arguing, and Sam besteling around the kitchen with all the other kitchen hands, cleaning up from breakfast and getting ready for lunch.

I turn and head for the stairs to the right of the front door which leads to the offices.

On the second floor of the Pack House in where all the important people of the pack have their offices.

I walk down the hallway to the last door on the left, Luna Kelly's office, where I'm sure Mom is, seeing she spends more time there then her own office. 

I knock on the door, only opening it when I hear a faint 'come in'.

I open the door to find Mom and Luna Kelly sitting on the couch with a stack of folders on the coffee table infront of them, each of them thick with papers.

"Paperwork?" I ask, closing the door behind me and taking a seat in a chair across from the couch.

"You know it. Got some transfers coming at the end of the month, and the paperwork is oh so fun."

I laugh at Mom's words along with Luna Kelly, knowing they're going to be very busy. 

"How are you feeling Niela? Last time we saw you, you weren't doing so well," Luna Kelly asks.

"I'm doing better, honestly. I'm not as tired or soar. I'm adjusting to everything. Dad only taught me how to mind link, so can't do to much yet, but you have to take it slow in the beginning."

"SPeaking of mind link, we should make a ling, you know just us girls. After all, we're officially family now."

I give Luna Kelly a smile, her words of family sinking in. She isn't just my Luna and leader any more, she's my mother-in-law, essentially.

I reach out my mind to Mom and Luna Kelly, my wolf guiding me once again. I feel their strong wolves reach out to mine, and they welcome her. I feel a connection between the three of us, and my bond towards them strengthens.

"Hello ladies," I say looking towards where they both sit on the couch and give them a smile. Luna Kelly smiles back and Mom beams at me with proud eyes.

"Now with that out of the way, let's get down to business. I understand that Will talked to you about this already Niela, but this is necessary for formalities." As Luna Kelly speaks she rearranges her stack of papers infront of her and pulls out a notepad and pen.

"Considering your's and Will's age difference, these questions and procedures are protocol to prevent anything from happening. The first thing to talk about is the age difference. Legally speaking, you can't be together, but Pack law doesn't necessarily follow that."

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