Chapter 8

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I'm woken up by a deep ad incessant probing of my mind. It's not painful, just annoying, and severally interrupting my sleep. I try to push it away, what every, it can wait until the sun comes up.

But who ever it is, they just using and pushing, and finally I let down the wall.

"What is so important that I'm getting woken up at," I lift my head up to look at the glowing numbers of my clock, "four in the morning."

"I'm sorry Will, but it's urgent. One of the border patrols found something and we need you to come check it out." David says. I can tell by the tone of his voice that it's serious. I sit up in bed and wipe the sleep away from my eyes.

"Where are you?" I ask as I throw the blankets off of me and walk over to the dresser. I pull a pair of basketball shorts and pull them on.

"The eastern border, about 5 miles south of the border entrance." David states.

"I'll be there in 15-20 minutes. Had my dad been contacted?" I ask as I walk out of my room and down the stairs.

"I linked him first. He told me to have you asses the situation first, then link him again after."

"Okay, I'm leaving now, David."

David's presence leaves my mind as I jump into my shift and tear off to the other side of the pack to see what the hell is going on at our border.

I slowly creep down the stairs to the kitchen, careful not to wake my parents. I make it to the kitchen without a sound, my ear high alert the entire time, and I start pulling food out of the fridge and putting it on the counter.

I cut a bagel and put it into the toaster, pushing dowel lever and hitting the bagel button. As I ain't, I grab a couple of water bottles from the fridge and put them in my back pack, and then head to the pantry to grab some trail mix and granola bars to add to the bag.

Just as I get back, the toaster pops, my bagel a crispy brown. The read burns my fingers as I grab the two halves, causing me to drop them onto the plate.

I slather the bagel with butter, the warmth of the bread causing it to melt quickly, and to drip down my hand and down my arm.

I eat quickly, checking the time on the stove clock.

Shit. I have to meet Pat in five minutes. I quickly clean up my mess and scribble a note for Mom and Dad, before pulling on my boots as I head out the door.

I swing my leg around the tree branch, securing myself so I don't go splat on the ground 20 feet below us. Pat follows me, settling himself next to me, and securing himself as well.

We just sit, the warm summer breeze blowing over us, the leaves above ruffling, causing the sun to sparkle down onto us.

"I wish we could stay up here forever." Pat says, tilting his head back to catch the sun.

"Imagine living in the trees, having your own little tree house, that would be nice." I say.

"So, are you going to tell me anymore about what happened on your date?" Pat asks, the tone of his voice suggesting that more happened than what really did.

"I already told you, he asked me after the session with the pups, we went to dinner, and then the carnival. We went on some rides, he won me a teddy bear, and we kissed at the top of the Ferris wheel." I explain, a blush rushing to my cheeks.

"And what else happened?" Pat demands, leaning closer, eager to hear more.

"Nothing else happened! We came back and he walked me home, where I kissed him goodnight before going inside, an then I linked you and told you everything."

"Yes, but I want more! I don't have a love life, so I need yours to entertain me." Pat says dramatically as he rests his head on my shoulder.

"There's nothing else to tell. Use your eyes and nose; there is no mark on my neck and we did not mate, and I'd like to keep it that way for awhile." I say with a huff and cross my arms over my chest.

Patrick opens his mouth to respond, but the sound of paws and howls stops him. We both pause, and look behind us; one of the border patrol groups passes under the tree we're in, and they look to be in a hurry, they don't even acknowledge us.

"Did they seem off to you?" Pat asks.

"Yeah, they did. Did something happen?"

"My dad didn't come home this morning from his patrol this morning. He didn't link saying anything, I just thought he was at the pack house doing stuff."

"My parents were still home when I left, so it can't be anything serious, right?"

"I don't know."

I start to say something back, but I feel a familiar presence in the back of my mind, and the mating bond stirs. I let the wall down, and Will's presence encompasses my mind.

"Niela, where are you?" Will demands, not giving me a chance to say anything first.

"I'm along the southern border, not that far from the entrance, why?"

"Are you with anyone?" He asks, not answering my own question.

"I'm with Patrick, Will, what's going on?" I ask again, my wolf starting to pace from our unanswered questions.

I feel our link still for a moment, and I begin to believe that he isn't going to answer, but I can feel hi anxiety and stress through the bond. My wolf whines out to our mate, urging him to respond.

"Something happened along the eastern border. I'm calling everyone away from the borders, and everyone who can make it to the pack house to come. We're having a meeting, just one as soon as you, and everything will be explained."

"Okay, we'll be there in 10 minutes."

"I'll be waiting." Will's presence leaves my mind, and I'm met with Pat staring intensely at me.

"That was Will, something happened and they're calling a pack meeting." I explain as I unsecured myself from the branch, and start repelling down

"Did he say what happened?" Pat asks from above me.

"Only that everything be explained at the meeting."

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