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After they had left the Saiki household they started for PK Academy.  5 minutes had passed by and no one had said a word.  Saiki didn't mind the peace and quiet, in fact that is what he has been asking for but Nendou had to open his big mouth and say, "So . . . . Ramen after school today".

After that question Saiki was ready to punch Nendou for ruining the peacefulness but Kaido already interrupted with, "Is ramen all you can think about, the day hasn't even started and your thinking of when it's going to end".

Nendou started grinning and a few small children ran away, "What would you suggest we do then chibi".  Right before things got ugly Aren stepped in to calm the situation, "Just calm down you guys we can pick what to do after school later."  He said with a nervous smile on his face.  "Shut up Aren" They both said while still barking at eachother.  Aren's battle veins had popped out and he was ready to teach them a lesson, "Saiki go on ahead without us" the old biker said as he cracked his knuckles and started for the two idiots fighting.  Saiki complied and walked to school without them.

After that Saiki had gotten a quiet and peaceful walk to school, but as soon as he was in range of the school he saw a faint golden glow that had been surrounded by people.

"Good Greif."

Saiki sighed as he saw the faint glow grow more as it had gotten closer to him.  Saiki already knew he couldn't avoid it so he stood there waiting for the Angel to get to him.

"He'll be so glad to have my first smile of the day."  Teruhashi had ran to Saiki in a burst of speed and said "Good morning Saiki".  She smiled as bright as she possibly could to make him say "oh wow". "How do you like that Saiki, I bet your sitting in shock right now wondering what to say."

The boy in question just nodded to the girl infront of him and continued to walk.

"What, not even a good morning."  One thing that Teruhashi couldn't get over was how Saiki could not be affected by her charms.  "I know, your just so lost for words that you got to embarrassed to say any."  "Don't worry Saiki I'll make you go "oh wow" today if it is the last thing I do."

The perfect pretty girl had no idea that the man of her dreams was listening to her every thought.  "Good Greif", the psychic said in distress. "I knew I should've skipped school today."

And with that thought the school bell had rung and all the students took there seats [Except Kaido, Nendou, and Aren]. 

For once Saiki had a peaceful morning.  The only bothers was Teruhashi when she tried to talk to him but wasn't allowed due to her fans occupying her time and Toriska asking about lewd magazines but Saiki got fed up with him and threw him out the window.  Didn't hurt the psychics conscious any.

Although after his second to last class Saiki was about ready to be done with school.  He couldn't wait to go home and read or watch TV but the problem was his last class was art, and the assignment today was even worse.

Before the teacher would explain the assignment the teacher told us to get in boy/girl pairs but that made the task at hand even harder for Saiki.

"Who to be partners with."  Saiki was in distress as he did not know who he should be partnerd up with for class.  He would've chosen Mera if she wasn't working today or Yumihara but she had skipped school due to Kaido not being here today, "still have no idea what happened to those three."

But then suddenly someone tapped him on the shoulder.  Turning around the psychic was faced with a pile of blood, bones, and veins which was none other than Teruhashi.  "Hey Saiki do you want to be my partner".  The Angel asked with a gleaming hope in her eyes and about a million men behind her asking to be her partner.

(Saiki x Teruhashi) When A Angel Falls For A GodWhere stories live. Discover now