Divine Intervention

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Saiki and Teruhashi were quietly walking to a cafe nearby.  Saiki liked the peace and quiet, but Teruhashi may have not been talking but her mind was racing with thoughts.

"OMG I'm alone with Saiki".
"Should I hold his hand".
"This is so awkward".
"Why aren't we there yet".
"I bet he will oh wow when were there".
"I wish I could've gone home and changed".

After what felt like a eternity the two arrived at the cafe.  They had walked in and sat down at a empty table, every man in the cafe was staring at Teruhashi till Saiki gave a death stare to all of them and they stopped looking. "Hello what would you like to have this fine evening".  The waitress said with a bright smile on her face.

Teruhashi was trying to make up her mind on what to have before Saiki said "Two coffee Jelly's please".  The waitress wrote down the order and ran to the kitchen to get there orders ready.

[F.Y.I. Saiki makes the illusion of his mouth moving when he talks.  He actually rarely uses his mouth to talk.]

Teruhashi was astonished, the Kusuo Saiki had the ability to be a gentleman.  It was so shocking Teruhashi couldn't even form the words to thank him.  So as a result the two sat in silence until there sweets arrived.

"Come on Teruhashi start up a conversation".  She said as she was giving a motivational pep talk to herself.  "So it's getting colder, do you think it will snow".  Teruhashi's mind blew up after those words came out of her mouth, "really, all I could come up with was weather, I'm so stupid".

The psychic grinned at her thought, he found them to be pretty amusing.  The perfect pretty girl unable to make conversation, Saiki chuckled softly before he went back to his serious expression, but not before the girl across from him saw the boy smile for the first time and it was with her.

Teruhashi smiled ear to ear after seeing that.  It was a rare sight indeed to see the stoic Saiki express any emotion.  It made Teruhashi feel special. 

After awhile of Teruhashi staring at Saiki he spoke up, "you look creepy just staring at me".  The girl's face turned bright red at the comment.  How long was she staring at him for?  Didn't matter, this guy had the audacity to call her creepy and still act nonchalant about it.

So putting on her best pouty face Teruhashi said, "why are you always so serious and mean to me".  Without knowing Saiki said "because no one taught me how to act around perfection".  Teruhashi turned to Saiki with pure shock written all over her face.  She could only sit there as her face became redder and redder at the realization that Saiki had called her perfect.  Wanting to hear conformation that she wasn't hearing things wrong she turned to Saiki and said, "what."

Saiki only just now realizing he had conveyed his thoughts outloud looked down at his coffee jelly before playing dumb saying, "what."

Teruhashi couldn't belive what just happened.  Saiki had called her perfect and he was even so embarrassed he was playing coy to hide what he said.  It was to much for the young girl to take, her head was going into overdrive on many ideas of what to do.

"Did he just call me perfect".
"Does he like me".
"How would we date".
"Should I confess".
"Maybe I should sit next to him".
"What would people do to him if they found out we were together".

Saiki was not gonna sit here and listen to this girls rambling thoughts go on and on so calling the waitress over Saiki handed the necessary amount of cash for the bill and began to get up getting ready to leave.

Teruhashi pouted as she watched Saiki get up and start heading towards the door "I was hoping we could've stayed longer" Teruhashi thought as she got up and followed Saiki out, making sure to grab her bag and apparently having to grab his bag aswell.

(Saiki x Teruhashi) When A Angel Falls For A GodWhere stories live. Discover now