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"Finally she's asleep" Saiki thought while carrying a now unconscious Teruhashi.  They had been talking for the past few hours and it was quiet emotional for both of them.

All in all it was a good talk.  Saiki would never admit that outloud but he couldn't help but feel relieved.  It was nice to get everything off your chest every once in a while.

As Saiki layed her down in the guest bedroom he couldn't help but admire the girl, she was amazing and no doubt in his mind the true eccense of a perfect pretty girl and then some.

Saiki couldn't help but smile at the irony. A week ago he would've done anything to get rid of Teruhashi but now he's even pushing her feelings on and told her about his powers.

Saiki chuckled, "Good Greif" whether it be involuntarily or not she always got what she wanted. Bending down Saiki gently pressed his lips to her forehead and whispered a soft goodnight before exiting the room.

Was Saiki planning on doing that, no. But in a weird way it felt right. And bringing down his walls for just a moment made him feel even better.

It was weird, it was just something about her that made him feel tingly inside, he couldnt describe it as a bad feeling but it was for sure a strange and foreign feeling.

Not like he could brag about understanding emotions but this one was certainly new and confusing.

As Saiki layed down on the couch wondering about his current set of questions he began to close his eyes.

The psychic sighed, some sleep could be nice right now after the very stressful day he had he deserved it. So without even changing out of his school uniform Saiki teleported to his room and sank into the plush cushion that was his sanctuary for the night.

That comfort was disturbed though as Saiki heard a banging on the door downstairs.  It sounded as if the person was trying to break the door down.  Slowing dragging himself out of bed Saiki floated down the stairs and walked towards the front door.

Finally opening the door Saiki was meet with a angry Makoto glaring at Saiki.  Seething with anger he said, "where's my Koko" - BANG.  and with a turn Saiki locked the front door.  He was not mentally able right now to deal with Teruhashi's brother but the persistent perv began banging on the door once again.

Sighing Saiki unlocked the door and opened it again.  This time though he wasn't given the option of shutting the door as Makoto barged in and started running around the house.  Saiki walked up the stairs watching Makoto open every door saying, "Kokomi?  Kokomi? Kokomi? Kokomi?"  This went on until he reached the guest bedroom door.

Saiki still being to groggy to react watched as Makoto opened the door and stared wide eyed at the sleeping 'Komi'.

Before Saiki could blink he was pinned against a wall by Makoto with him yelling in his face.  How did he get there so fast?  Is he psyhic to?  Now was probably not the best time for these thoughts but they still lingered in Saiki's mind.

Unfortunately Saiki's thoughts couldn't get much headway as Makoto started screaming in his face, "FOUR EYES WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY KOKOMI WHILE MY BACK WAS TURNED!?!?!  I'M GONNA MAKE YOU REGRET THIS, I'LL MAKE YOU BEG FOR MERCY AFTER I'M FINISHED WITH YOU, JUST YOU WAIT!!!!!"  And with that Makoto stormed down the stairs out of the house.

Saiki just stared at the stairway before yawning.  How is it possible that he can't get a moment of peace even to sleep.  "Mmmmm, Saiki?" And now she's awake.

Saiki looked into the room to see a sleepy Teruhashi yawning and rubbing her eyes.  In a tired voice she asked, "who was that?"

Saiki gave a annoyed look before answering "your brother".

(Saiki x Teruhashi) When A Angel Falls For A GodWhere stories live. Discover now