The Dynamic Duos

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Saiki and Teruhashi were sitting there awnsering the many questions his parents had.

"How was Teruhashi normal?"


"Why did the cops come?"

"Her/My Brother"

"How does your brother know about you?"

"Saw her/me yesterday"

"Will he come back?"

"Most likely"

Saiki's parents sighed, "ok last question" nodding Saiki and Teruhashi waited for the question but judging on the glimmer in the two adults eyes they had a accurate guess on what it could be.

"Are you dating?"

"When did you guys start dating?"

"How long have you been dating?"

"When are you guys gonna get married?"

"When are we getting grand babies?"

Saiki slammed his hands on the table before uttering a angry "No."

Teruhashi was just giggling, it was funny seeing Saiki getting angry at such silly questions.  Sure she wanted them to start dating but she knew it wasn't going to happen until A. She went back to normal and B. If he starts understanding his emotions better.

Teruhashi sighed before smiling, "It's fine, I can wait for him".

Forgetting Saiki could read her thoughts Teruhashi was meet with Saiki staring at her with what seemed to be, "wait is that a blush?"

Teruhashi was stunned that Saiki was blushing, from something she said, it was so funny she started laughing.

Saiki on the other hand did not find it amusing.  "Why did she have to say that now, and why am I getting flustered?"

Saiki's parents on the other hand were snapping photos like photographers at a photoshoot.  They were gonna show there grand babies these pictures.

Getting too embarrassed Saiki shoved his face in a couch cushion and teleportedto his room.

Laughing even harder Teruhashi got off the couch and began ascending the stairs.  "C-come on Kusuo, it wasn't that embarrassing"  she said still giggling.

Finally taking control of her breathing she walked infront of his bedroom door and opened it to see The Kusuo Saiki shoving his face in a pillow with what looked like smoke coming out of his ears?

Shoving the question in the back of her mind why he had literal smoke coming out of his ears she walked towards Saiki and sat on his bed after several failed attempts of climbing onto it.  She wasn't short his bed was just big.

Teruhashi looked to Saiki but all that accomplishedwas him burying his face deeper into the pillow.  It didn't help that he no longer had his x-ray vision, he could just have a conversation with her while covering his face but noooo God had to take that away so he could see her face.  He sighed, she always got what she wanted.

"What do you want?" Saiki asked face still behind the pillow.

Teruhashi giggled, "sorry I can't hear you from behind the pillow".

Saiki rebuttaled, "I'm speaking to you telepathically right now".

Teruhashi smirked, "Yeah, I think the pillow is messing with the connection because I can't hear you that well".

(Saiki x Teruhashi) When A Angel Falls For A GodWhere stories live. Discover now