Chapter 18

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Tearing my eyes away from his I immediately met a very curious Caroline standing at the doorway with two glasses of bourbon in her hands.

Leaving them down on the dresser she gave me a sly smile before heading back downstairs. No Caroline why couldn't you have just stayed!

Reaching over for the glasses I offered damon one which he gratefully took. I think we both needed a drink before we had this conversation.

Once again our silence was comfortable. Settling down on the bed beside him I made sure to keep a small but decent distance between us.

Finishing my glass too quickly I settled it down on the floor as Damon did the same.

Time to face the music

"I" we both started at the same.

"You go first" I giggled,embarassed.

Taking my hand in is I breathed in quickly, still shocked by the electricity that travelled up my arm through my body. Locking our eyes I battled with myself not to look at his lips. That could not happen. This was already bad enough

"I need to say it once. You need to hear it Celina. I love you" the intensity in his gaze was almost too much but I couldn't bring myself to look away.

Without realising it i was leaning into his touch. There was something about us, I won't deny it, that was beautiful. The way we fit together. The way we just seemed to know what Eachother was thinking.. It was. Magic.

And wrong.

Pulling away before our lips touched I hopped off the bed at lightening speed. This was wrong. But it felt right? And Caroline said I should do what fe-

"Damon you're lying. You don't even know me, how long have we known Eachother? 2 months? You don't love me. You can't change me. I'm not a good person damon and I make all the wrong decisions and I can't let you become one of them!"

Before I could get another word in I was pinned against the wall in a déjà vu moment. His forehead pressed against mine as I breathed in his cologne feeling safe. As much as I wanted to deny it I couldn't. He was the reason I returned to mystic falls.

Lifting my chin up to look me in the eye I braced myself for his words.

"You're the liar celina. There is something going on between the two of us and you know it. And you're lying to me. And you're lying to Stefan. But most of all you're lying to yourself".

I stared stunned, up at this man who seemed to be able to see right down into the depths of my soul. He was right. I can't stop denying what was happening. It all seemed too crazy. Me regaining my wings, Stefan being with me in person for a few moments. Damon. Something had changed. And it was time I figured out what.

"Before anything else happens I think you need to hear the story of how I am who I am" I whispered, still in damons hold.

He let out a breath of relief and I smiled softly at his relaxed features, closing my eyes as his lips came in contact with my cheek.

"But first, I think well both need another drink"

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