The Dinner

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At dinner, Martin starts to talking about plans for The Beatles' album, and the four boys tries to pay attention but no avail, as their attention were focused on the girl.

Lucy who were sitting in between Ringo and John can feel their curiosity towards her, and she feels uncomfortable, because 2 years living in England, people still look at her like an alien. They've never seen a face like hers before, and people talks nasty things to her, like 'your nose is too flat' , 'you're fat!' people sometimes talks behind her back too, like 'don't be friends with her, you'll turn ugly' , 'ew look at her hair! It's so unkempt, there must be some lice there!'

"Lucy, when you'll be practicing for the show?" Sheena asks.

Lucy was embarrassed, but her awkward self tries not to say something stupid.

"Oh, it's um... 3 times a week monday, wednesday and thursday starting next week," she sighs.

"That's gear! Lucy here joining in London Orchestra, being the youngest and all, and she's got the lead violin!" Sheena beams.

The four boys were impressed, this young lady can be a part of the famous London orchestra.

"Wow! That's really incredible!" Paul gush.

"Thank you," Lucy can feel her cheeks warm.

"Yeah that's terrific!" Ringo smiles. She smiles, her cheeks reddening.

"Congratulations! That's a great accomplishment for a fourteen year old, dear. I'm so proud of you." Martin smiles happily, he feels like he bursts because of proudness.

Meanwhile, the four boys were choked on their foods.

"I'm sorry, how old are you again?" John asks while wiping his chin with wide eyes.

"Fourteen." Lucy says softly.

While Ringo and George sigh relieved, Paul and John were shocked. This girl is 14? She looks older than that!

"Sir, may I be excused? I have some homework to do." Lucy looks at her father.

"Yes of course, dear."

"Good night sir, ma'am, gentleman," Lucy bid and went to her room.

"It's nice to have more people in this house, since Giles and Greg were off to boarding school in America, this house is quieter than a cemetery!" Sheena laughs.

Ringo starts to chat with her, George continues to eat silently while Paul and John still can't shake of the thought about Lucy being a fourteen year old girl.


at 11 o'clock at night, none of the four boys can get a wink of sleep. they're still a little bit overwhelmed by a lot of things that happens in the moment, especially, Lucy.

Ringo is laying in his bed, staring off to the ceiling, his mind is like a broken radio, there's no certain line in the focus. Jumbling from his mom, to his house in Liverpool, then to his days in the hospital.

this thoughts makes him feel conflicted, at the one side, he feels sad remembering those miserable days, at the other, he's happy to be here, seeing more promising future, not worrying is he going to be dead tomorrow.

tap tap tap

his train of thoughts stops abruptly. he's propping up his body with his elbows. 'who was that?' Ringo quietly walking towards the door opening it slowly trying to not make any sound and peeping through.

it was Lucy, only in her pajamas, long trousers and a t-shirt going into her gallery with sirius wagging his tail behind her.

Lucy didn't notice him at first until Ringo accidentially exhale loudly, causing two pairs of eyes staring at him. none of them reacted at at first, afraid if one of them move it'll wake the entire house. until sirius barked loudly.

"shhhhh! sirius! come in here boy!" Lucy whispered loudly, ushering her dog inside her gallery.

"i'm sorry sir, did i wake you?" she continues.

Ringo only stare at her, seeing her eyes illuminated with moon light.

"uh, no... i just... wanted to go to the bathroom. and please, call me ringo or richard." he smiles shyly.

"oh, it's across the play room."

"right yeah. uh, why are you awake so late?"

Lucy looks down at her feet, uncomfortable by his gaze.

"it's my night routine." she answers shortly. she doesn't want to be seen as rude, but she barely know this guy, why should she tell him?

sensing her distress, he decided to go.

"right. have a good night miss." he walks to the bathroom

"you too, sir- i mean richard." she enters her room, greeted by sleeping sirius.


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