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Lucy's POV.

I glared at mirror scornfully. my brain starts to spinning as i catch my breath. 'you'll always be ugly. inner beauty is bullshit. no one likes you.'

my hatred towards my reflection only increases. my pathetic eyes startes to blur, my throat starts to burn, my head was pounding like someone hitting it with a hammer, and nausea comes like an old friend.

i ran and ran to the bathroom, 'gosh why is it so far!' i thought.

i opened it harshly, not caring if someone's in there.

i shoved my index finger to my throat, pushing it harshly until i can let out all of my problems from last night.

i can feel my tears running down my cheeks and my throat starts to gag, throwing up into the toilet. how many times i've done this? i don't know. i'm way past counting. but i can never get used to it. my throat feels like someone's arms trying to escape my body, and my lungs feels like someone squeezing it out

but then suddenly i can feel warm hand drawing circles on my back and grab my hair gently creating makeshift ponytail.

"shh... shh... it's okay," he says gently. i tried to push him way from me, i don't want anyone seeing me like this. but he grabs my hand, squeezing it comfortingly. i'm too tired to fight him off and let him hold my hand.

no one has ever done this to me before, giving me this affection i never knew i needed. i tried so hard not to cling to him, and i cried harder than before. seeing myself as a pathetic human being.

my heart clench as i remembered my mom. she should be here. comforting her daughter, reassuring her that she's pretty even though she's not. that's what mothers do right? giving her children white lies so that they'll happy. oh, i wish someone would do that for me, lie againts their moral, againts their own principle so that i could be happy.

after it all subsides, i still can't look at the man who helps me, i didn't even realised that i grab his shirt, scrunching it between my fingers and his hand in my back.

"oh, god! i'm so sorry for ruining your shirt!" i said between sobs.

"it's okay, luv. are you feeling better?" he answers. i look up to him. it's George. i started blushing out of embarrasment. i look down and then realised he's wearing a towel to cover his legs. now i'm blushing in a totally different way.

"oh, um... i'm okay now. i'm sorry i didn't realise someone's in here, the door in unlocked so i thought- i'm sorry i'm so sorry."

"shh, it's alright. at least you don't see me naked." he winked. i smiled at his attempt to make me feel better.

"yeah. i'm sorry for bothering you sir, i'm just gonna go. thank you for... earlier." i forced a smile. i can feel my tears starts to dry and i stand up walking to the door and opening it.

"Lucy?" he calls me back.


"are you alright?"

"don't worry about me sir, i will be alright." i forced a smile.

"if you want someone to talk to... or someone just to sit next to you... you can just call me. i'm living in your house now. it's the least i can do." he smiles. "oh, and please call me george."

i smile. genuinely this time. "thank you, george." i closed the door and walk back to my room, getting ready for school.


George's POV

The breakfast was uneventful. Mrs. Martin already went to her boutique and Mr. Martin is making calls in his office.

John, Paul and Ringo was seated across from me, looking tired.

"Did you get enough sleep last night?" asks Paul concerned.

We can only nodded at him, too tired to answered.

"Good Morning everyone..." a feminine voice greeted softly. We all looked up to see Lucy walking down the stairs towards the dining table. She was wearing her school uniform consisting of a dark blue plaid skirt reached up until above her knee, a white collared shirt, sleeveless dark blue sweater with logo on the left breast.

She looked better... her eyes are still red, but there's no dried tears left in her cheeks. She was smiling. I can't tell if it was fake or not. She was sitting beside me and opening her textbook, pouring herself a glass of milk but not grabbing any food.

"How are you feeling?" i asked. Now all of the eyes in this room were on me.

She widened her eyes, warning me not to mention her 'accident'

"Oh, uh... i mean i ran up to you in the bathroom, and you fell, are you alright?" i covered up quickly.

"Yes, i'm alright. Thank you for asking, you guys enjoy your breakfast, i'm going to go now. Good day!" she says quickly as she shoved her textbook, then taking a sip of her milk, grabbing an apple and ran to the door. Leaving us bewildered. We didn't even get to respond her.

"What was that Georgie?" John asks.


"Nothing, alright." John smirks knowingly.

"I hate myself," Paul grumbles white eating his pancakes. We give him questioning look.

"She's fourteen, and i can't stop thinking about her!" he whispered loudly.

"Thinking about who? I hope it doesn't distract you for making music!" Martin laughs as he entered the dining room.

"Oh, um... Paul got a girl back in liverpool," I covered up quickly.

"Really? Who is the lucky gal?" Martin says as he eats his toast.

Paul widened his eyes at me "Dot, she's uh, she was my girl, but she lives in Canada now."

"Oh, alright. Now some people will come here to assist me in studio, just some engineer and Nancy, and we will begin at ten." Martin smiles.

The four boys nodded.

"Until then, just relax, create some idea, alright? If you want anything just ask Nancy or tell me i'm at my library." Martin stands up and went to the library.

The four boys let out a sigh.

"What the heck paul!" John exclaimed.

"I'm sorry, alright!" Paul says his face is red as a tomato.

While the two kept arguing, Ringo went to the backyard and George went back to his room. He can't help but feel guilty too. Because he's also thinking about Lucy. 


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