Chapter 4

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Sarah Jacy and I were sitting in a clump in the grass watching some of the guys play basketball as the sluts drooled.

"Im pretty sure saliva just came out of Karen's mouth." Jacy whispered.

I laughed.

"Blake has been doing pull ups for the past hour and a half. What number is he at now? Like 200?" Sarah gasped.

"Wouldnt doubt it." I muttered looking over at him.

Jacy started talking but I couldnt hear her over the loud speaker.

"Mercedes Calloway please report to Head Montfords office."

"Its time." Sarah whispered.

Jacy hugged me as I stood up.

"Dont forget about us okay?" She whispered.

Jacy landed her self here for battery and some other shit but despite all of it she was honestly the nicest person.

"Wouldnt dream of it."

"Bye bitch." Sarah said hugging me aswell.

"Later slut." I laughed,

We said our goodbyes and I headed towards the doors.

"Later Calloway." Blake called.

"Itl be your turn soon kiddo!"

He smiled as other people said goodbye. I walked inside and down the hall to Head Montfords office. Head Montford made Iron Heights seem less like a prison and more like a boarding school. I knocked on her door and waited for her to open it.

"Mercedes, come in."

I opened the door, and closed it behind me. I sat down in a chair infront of her desk and waited for her to tell me I was free and where I would be going and all that shit.

"So today's the day huh?" She asked.

I nodded exidedly.

"Well before we let you go, we have to settle a few things."


"You lived with your brother previously correct?"

"Yes Ma'am."

"Your brother is 24 correct?"

I nodded.

"Alright and is he picking you up?"

I shrugged.

"Would you like to call him? I have his number incase you forgot."

I shook my head.

"Would you like an escort home?"

I shook my head once more.

"Ill figure it out."

She nodded.

"Ms. Calloway Im sure you know our policy."

"Yes Ma'am."

"Alright. Well if you dont figure it out before the designated time then we will escort you home."

I nodded.

"Now you understand your getting out on parole due to good behavior the past year?"

I nodded.

"And if your not caeful you could end up back here for the rest of your sentence?"

I nodded.

"Alright. Good luck dear."


"Oh, Mercedes seeing that the only garments you wore here were undergarmets, you can keep the clothes."

I nodded and left.

I walked back outside to where Sarah and Jacy were.

"Its official!" I said as they jumped up and hugged me.

"Congrats!" They said in unison.

I hugged each of them seperatly.

"Take care of your selves okay?"

They nodded.

"Hoes before bros." I looked at Sarah.

She laughed.

"Dont escape unless someone is on the other side okay?" I looked at Jacy

"Yes mom." She rolled her eyes.

I smiled and hugged them again before walking back inside and out to freedom.

"Aye Calloway wait up!"

I turned to see Blake.

"Your free huh?"

I nodded.

"She just called me in."

"Good luck."

He nodded and we parted ways. I pushed open the doors and passed Borris and Gary. They were the guards that hauled me in here.

"Later boys."

They just nodded as I sprinted into the empty parkinglot. I cartwheeled into the grass and laid down. I screamed at the top of my lungs smiling.


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