Red String of Fate

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Momo groaned as she wake up. Her whole body feels so weak. She can't remember anything that happened last night but before she opened her eyes she already know that she's in Mina's room because of the scent, it's Jasmine. Her head is aching and she feel so cold. She sat up and was about to call Mina when she saw a bread and milk with a note on the glass at the bedside table.

"You had fever last night, eat this once you wake up. Don't forget your medicine. If you need me just call me. -MN"

Momo gets her phone and was about to text Nayeon but suddenly remembers that they broke up. Tears flows down to her face. She can't believe that Nayeon broke up with her just like that. She's not even sure if Nayeon just said that because she's angry or Nayeon really mean it. She held her phone closer contemplating whether to call Nayeon or call Mina. 


"As expected you are here." Jeongyeon said once she saw Mina practicing her dance on the theater stage.

"Jeongyeon Unnie" Mina stopped looking down shyly.

"Jeongyeon Unnie? Didn't I told you not to call me unnie?"


"Momo didn't go to school?" 

"No, she's sick...I heard Nayeon unnie is absent too. Is she okay?" Mina asked not knowing what happened between the three.

"I don't know." 

"You don't know?" Mina raised an eyebrow. 

"She's a mess right now, I don't think talking to her is a good idea." 

"If she's a mess right now it simply means she needs you more right now." Mina said with a small smile.

Mina is a smart girl, ofcourse she would notice how much Nayeon despise her, Nayeon literally ignored her whole existence but Jeongyeon never saw Mina got angry or say anything bad about Nayeon. 

"You really like taking care of someone who never really notice your existence don't you?" Jeongyeon joked and it made Mina laughed.

"There you go. You smiled at last. Your gummy smile is cute. Always remember to smile." Jeongyeon said making Mina blushed.

"W-What's your plan now?"

"Plan? What plan?"

"Y-You know they broke up so..."

"Are you asking me to make a move to Nayeon?" Jeongyeon laughed.

"Yah! Don't laugh. I'm just asking." Mina hit Jeongyeon's arm. 

"I'm close to moving on you know, it's like I'm just a few steps away then this happened. To be honest I'm not sure. I don't have a plan." Jeongyeon said as she looked at Mina who seems to be thinking so hard.

"Besides, Nayeon will regret it sooner or later for sure. She must just have said that due to anger." Jeongyeon said as she wrapped an arm around Mina. 

Jeongyeon's warmth, it's something that makes Mina feel secured.There's something about Jeongyeon that with just her presence it's enough for Mina to feel safe. Mina didn't say anthing but hugged Jeongyeon she's just so thankful that Jeongyeon is always there for her.

"This is why people thought you are my girlfriend." Jeongyeon chuckled but hugged her back.


"Momoring are you okay?! Did something happened?! Tell me!" An over reacting Minatozaki Sana barged into her room.

"Why are you here?" Momo ignored Sana's questions since Sana was supposed to be at school but she's there instead.

"Mina asked me to check up on you." Sana said as she patted Momo's head.

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