meeting HIM

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"What?" Naofumi says with a shocked expression. "Why?" Says Ren with a solemn expression. "Because," I answer, "Because I wasn't strong enough. I was a failure. My family was frought with misfortune and suffering every day. So many people in my family died. Two of whom died before me. One when I was very young, only 4 years old and we were in the middle of moving into a new house in a town several states away from my home one. And then again I saw my grandma die mere days before my freshman year started. She had to go through dialysis because she had serious health issues. She suffered so much. And I was cruel to her. She died before I could ever make amends. I wanted to be better. I wanted to make it up to her. I swore that it would be different. I would bring home beautiful things I made at school. I would give them to her since she couldn't leave. When she died, things were okay at first. But things only got worse until I could feel the world crushing me for my inadequacy, for my laziness, for my depression. So I stabbed myself in the heart and died. I don't wanna talk about this any more. I'd like to go to bed."

That night I slept peacefully. Sleep came so easily that night. It was a odd sleep though. I was talking. Talking to who? Who is it? Who do you think? Grandma? No darling. It's me, your legendary weapons spirit.

I'm gonna skip the conversation itself to save time. He scanned my memories so as to better accommodate and understand me. He said that there were several interesting things in my memory regarding magic and weapons and decided he wanted to try them out. He also said he understands my plight against only being allowed to use him as a weapon so he'll let me use a special rule. I can pick up weapons and test them, but he has to be able to eat them so he can become them. He wants my experience to be everything I hoped it would be. He also informed me to ask for the person who spoke up yesterday as a tutor and party member. Apparently he's very knowledgeable in magic but lacks magic power himself so he's never taken seriously. He was only allowed to observe incase of an accident or a monster showing up in the summon somehow. At the end of our talk he said his name but I couldn't hear it. Apparently I will eventually but not right now. He finally revealed himself to me when I was about to wake.

 He finally revealed himself to me when I was about to wake

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He looked young and abused... I worried he suffered a great deal! Don't worry he laughed. I take the form based off your and mental state. As you grow and change, so shall I! So grow strong in heart and mind and body so that I may change as well.

Today was the day. The day of naofumi's betrayal. The day we get our parties... and as expected the parties were as follows:


I sighed... shoulda seen that coming!
"Well.... fuck me I guess?" I say with a shrug. Someone whispers to the king. "I see..." he starts, "it seems that there's a rumor going around that the shield hero is weak and knows nothing of this world, and the mage hero is unpredictable and unstable."
Naofumi protests to which bitch joins his party and the money's handed out.

Ren, motoyasu, and itsuki get 500 silver each... naofumi gets 800 and I get 1600?! Wait!!! "WAIT!" I shout to which everyone stares at me. "This is way too much money! I understand I may need more to hire party members and magical equipment is more expensive but this is WAY TOO MUCH!! Please divide my money like this: 1000 for me, 200 for ran and itsuki each, and 100 for motoyasu. Before you ask WHY I say only 100 for yasu it's because he's got the largest group and it's all made up of ladies from nobility and adventurers. They can pay for their own stuff no problem, thus he gets less. And naofumi gets none cause you gave him 800 already." The king nods in approval so while that's being worked out I get on with my request. "So your majesty I have a request... lend me a man of your court! I have a specific one I want and I will explain my request in a moment. The man who spoke up yesterday and guided us here, I would like him to be part of my party. I heard that he knows a lot about magic in theory but lacks the mana to back it up. He seems to lack power and influence as a scholar and mage but he's an exceptional swordsman I hear! I would like him by my side. The reason is because I don't know how to use magic." The court murmers at this and the king looks surprised but gestures for someone to fetch the man and for me to continue speaking. "You see, in my world there's no such thing as magic or alchemy. There are no dragons or demons. There are fairytales about them but there are none in our world. Nobody uses magic cause nobody knows how and it doesn't exist anyway. So I need a tutor to teach me how to fight with and use magic. The other weapons are things that DO exist and people DO know how to use, but magic is a no go for my world. So I need a strong protector and mentor for my journey. I wouldn't dare ask for one of your court magicians, but a soldier with knowledge of magic will be most useful to me! Please allow me to ask for his assistance. I believe that he as well should be allowed to choose if he wants to be my sword. I will ask him if he will be my mentor, I will not demand it. And I ask you as well do not order him to accept my request. I also ask that the court not to punish or condemn him should he refuse. It will anger me if you do such a thing!" "Hmmmmhmm..." "!"

I startle from the hum of approval from a different but familiar voice. "Well said young hero mage... I admire that witty tounge and respect for the freedom of choice. Not to mention I can feel your determination and thirst for knowledge. I will travel by your side!" A man steps further into the room speaking with that same familiar voice from the day before. "My name is Grimm Ram. Its a pleasure to meet my new pupil and hero!" He bowed.

 Its a pleasure to meet my new pupil and hero!" He bowed

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I blush furiously. "N-No sir! The pleasures all mine! Thank you for agreeing to accompany me on this journey." Oh fuck yeah! I scored a 11 out of 10 guy! This adventures gonna be a blast!!

Tale of the mage hero [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now