Cal Mira and the wave

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We the heroes are all currently discussing the division of labor on Cal Mira.(up above is Cal Mira.) We came to the conclusion that we'd work out and go in staying as far away from each other as possible.

"Also, no over hunting! Your main aim is the apex of the Cal Mira, the black Karma animals. Absorbing them will max out all related series to that particular karma species. You CAN hunt regulars too but that is Ill advised. The soldiers will take care of hunting the regular Karma for you, you just need to focus on hunting the black Karma. I will not be participating cause I'm already leagues ahead of you in power and levels, but I will be watching over you to make sure you don't break the rules. We're not the first heroes and we're definetly not going to be the last. Besides that heroes aren't the only ones that benefit from using Cal Mira, we just get priority today cause we have to be strong to fight the waves. Some need to stay to repopulate because-"

*A wild Nikolav bursts through the door* "KNOCK KNOCK, OPEN UP THE DOOR IT'S REAL!!!"

A:..... I raised my boys right!


"-because we aren't the only ones who benefit from it. I'll be flying above to spot the black Karma species for you, it's up to you to end their lives. Absorb these crystal balls into your weapons right now. They'll allow us to communicate and such." I say as I put down 4 crystal balls for them to absorb and they do.

"These are communication crystals. They're prototypes but they'll allow us to communicate with each other and share information including map data and what we see. I'll go in from the air and locate the black Karma closest to each of you and send you that information as well as anything that may peak your interest like mineral deposits or rare plants and such. Once I've sent that information you can explore you're sector as much as you want. Heading towards the center is the ultimate goal. I'll be going through your areas not just for surveillance, but for observation as well. My passive skill 'world encyclopedia' allows me to gather and document information of places, people, things, and monsters. So I'll be looking for stuff to document on Cal Mira. I'll be taking plants to grow and some animals for repopulation in case you don't listen which is ridiculously likely. Get in my way and you're dead.... or at least with one less limb! It's an easy fix after all hehehehe!"

They all looked extremely uneasy about that but I really could care less. "I've already informed the soldiers of this but if you kill a creature bring it back to the ship. I'll be using it to make stuff for the army and your parties, I got a good teacher to teach my so I can make some nice stuff! And I'll pay you with a free meal and entertainment ticket.... which you can use once you register for my tower. Okay? Okay! Now off you go prepare, rest, or whatever. When we get there we'll do a mandatory sync up before we go. I also have some buffing potions for you guys so make sure you come by for them!"

"But... why are we all leveling at the same time?" Asks Itsuki.

"Because there may or may not be a wave coming soon..."

""""WHAT?!"""" Everyone says.

"Calm down. I don't know for sure, but from my prior knowledge there should be a wave coming soon. So you have to sync up to the hourglass before you do anything else and start leveling ASAP if the glass says there is indeed a wave coming. If there's not then we continue as originally planned. But if there's a wave coming then our relaxation takes no priority. If there is a wave scheduled I will be making arrangements to evacuate the townspeople as well as move as many soldiers as possible. If the wave does happen then it's likely to be related to the activation of Cal Mira. Cal Mira Activating means a experience boost so it wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility for a wave to be considered a perfect wombo combo for us heroes. I'm more worried about WHAT will come out of the wave rather than why considering the wave boss that was supposed to be is right here." I say gesturing to Glass and Co.

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