Hi I'm Alyss and welcome to my ted talk.

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'..... it hurts.... it hurts sooo bad..... IT FUCKING HURTS!!!!!'

That's all I could think as I lay there staring at ceiling of a room not my own. 'My body hurts like a bitch and Iiiiiiiiiiiiii want to die. Well whatever, let's look over the notifications i got when I got knocked out.'

I open up my hud and look for the latest notifications and- "JESUS CH- *cough cough cough* shit I shouldn't have done that. But bro what the fuck is with this?! Over 50 notification?! Nimbus! I know you're bitch ass is listening, summarize these for me. I ain't got the time nor the energy to deal with this shit. "

N: you just woke up. Why do you gotta be an insufferable bitch?

"Hmph! Don't push my buttons and just tell me twerpo." I huff angrily.

N: I'm not a twerpo anymore, but we'll get to that later. You wanted a notification summary did you not? A vast majority of those are notifications of the spirits having killed Medeas other pawns and corrupt officials. They didn't stand a chance honestly... you got some achievements related to that, titles as well. But the main titles are "campione" "spirit whisperer"
"Spirit gods disciple" "world's most righteous" "the strongest hero" "destined destroyer" "was i ever human?" and "demigod of magic" so that's fun. As for the other things, you absorbed Medeas fragment and broke the level cap on yourself, You gained ancient knowledge from her which I know you'll LOVE, You significantly weakened her, you received the blessing of the spirit kings, the next wave is in 4 months (likely cause Medea needs time to recover greatly) and you have become so powerful you've broken some sacred rule and are now no longer allowed to directly participate in the waves... probably for the best considering the other heroes are now way behind you and you could easily one shot the wave boss. Instead you've got a new task as a hero! You must train the other heroes and help them break the level cap. But on the bright side, you'll have more time to manage the tower! You'll need to speak to the spirit god and the 'astrals' about what you're to do, but they gave strict instructions about that wave thing. And before you ask, you were out for 10 days. Remarkable considering the damage you took, from a fragment of a goddess no less! As for the other heroes.... they're all on castle arrest till things are sorted out. Probably for the best considering the state they're in.

".... how are they? They all lost all their party members and nearly died with the exception of Itsuki... Rishia is still alive right?!" I'm scared of the answer honestly. She's always been a weak link.

N: she's fine. As for them well... they stopped thinking it was a game that's for sure. Motoyasu was a broken down mess. The death of Myne and his party hit him the hardest. He had gone completely cationic from shock after his near death experience and loss of harem. No one could fix him and even Naofumi tried to snap him out of it, even filo couldn't fix him. But Glass came and did something that got him right back on his feet. He's been training and studying hard since. Ten was the second worse. Having lost his arm and seeing his party die protecting him must've picked at old wounds. He drank himself into a drunken stupor daily muttering about how weak he was. Once again nobody could do anything. Wyndia had had enough of his moping when she heard him blame you and naofumi when he was trying to get him back on track. She beat him senseless screaming about how pathetic and disgusting he is and how she couldn't believe a useless fool like him was supposed to be a hero! And how she couldn't believe a fake hero loser like him killed her father and sold her into slavery. She got so furious she had to be pried away kicking and screaming and sobbing. He went back to normal not long afterwards. Itsuki was mostly fine but he was crying about the injustice of the gods. He just needed a pep talk from Rishia and L'arc and he bounced back. The 3 of them are working hard while they wait for you to recover. Naofumi has been teaching them how he's survived for so long. Like about basic survival skills and household things. Nikolav has been teaching everyone magic and strategy alongside Glass. They've been making use of the simulations in the tower and business is great! People enjoy our facilities and lots of people come to learn and train in order to help with the waves and such. The queen insisted on a "nobility tax" where nobility have to pay with money instead of points. This was advocated by nobles who wanted to use the tower but couldn't earn points and Nikolav agreed saying "it's a smart way to turn a profit. We can charge extra for private uses of facilities and they couldn't replicate any of it at all if they tried." While laughing like a mad man. Well he's not wrong. Even if they managed to figure out how it worked they wouldn't understand why it worked the way it does. Nor would they ever have the proper magics to make it work.

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