The Empath

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I sigh. "Well anyway we should get going~! Gotta go see if the new weapons have been smithed and our equipment repaired." Sheri smiles at us brightly. "Well I won't keep you any longer then! Please do take care of yourself and don't be a stranger."

"I will momma 2.0. Be sure to stay healthy. And if you need a hand don't hesitate to ask us! We'll do most anything for tasty treats!" She giggles as we walk out the front doors. We're walking down the street when Damien voice stops us.

"WAIT!" He shouted. He caught up to us breathing heavily. "Take me with you." I stare. "Wot?" "Take me with you to fight the waves! I need to become strong to protect my Mom! Sure I love to help her out, but I always wanted to go on an adventure! I'm really strong and smart. I'll make food and gather info and herbs. Plus I'm a really good haggler. I'll really help a lot!"

I thought about it. He's right, I'm not great at haggling nor can I understand how money works in terms of pricing and such. And I'm gonna need the help because the danger level from here on out is gonna be off the charts. I have to admit, I'm a little scared. This isn't a fairy tale. It's a nightmare waiting to swallow innocence whole and spit out the weak and unworthy... speaking of unworthy, I'm the only hero summoned that hasn't saved anyone.

That's right... I'm the weak one. Weak of heart and soul. I always felt on others and abuse them without a care. I can't control that part of me. I never could. My cruel, cowardly, weak, lazy, repulsive, impulsive self. I can't recall ever saving anyone. I doubt that's just because of my memory problems.

Even now that I've come here, I've squandered my chances and opportunities. I could've saved naofumi. So why didn't I? Why did I sleep in so late? I'm a failure. I'm a failure..... failure failure failure failure failure failure failure failure failure failure failure failure failure failure failure failure failure failure failure failure failure failure failure failure failure failure failure failure failure failure failure failure failure failure failure failure failure failure failure failure failure failure failure failure failure failure failure failure failure failure failure failure failure failure failure failure failure failure failure failure failure failure failure failure FAILURE FAILURE FAILURE FAILURE FAILURE FAILURE FAILURE FAILURE FAILURE FAILURE FAILURE FAILURE FAILURE FAILURE FAILURE FAILURE FAILURE FAILURE FAILURE FAILURE FAILURE FAILURE FAILURE FAILURE FAILURE FAILURE FAILURE FAILURE!!!!!!

Failures like me.... SHOULD JUST DIE! Die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die!!!!!!!!
Conditions met. Curse series, staff of sloth activated. Special skills gained:
60 seconds(passive): sense fatal attacks and avoid death of user and party members.
Spirit time: Summon past versions of yourself to fight with you. For every past self summoned lose an hour's worth of memories.(Note: only usable during wave situations and memories will be chosen by legendary weapon.)

"ALYSS!!!" I am pulled out of my thoughts by the sound of Grimms voice and the feeling of a strange warmth. It was comforting. Like a calming breeze under the warm sun. I opened my eyes to see Damien staring at me with tears in his eyes. I sit up and look around realizing we're at the weapons shop.

They explained to me that I suddenly went into a catonic state and they rushed me to the weapons shop as it was the closest shop nearby that I was comfortable in as the bakery was way farther at that point. They explained how Damien put his hands on the side of my face and touched our foreheads together quieting me down.

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