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-4- The next morning then was a mess. The med gang was completely worn out! But all of them for different reasons, Kit because he tried to comfort Ming all night, Beam because he was so sore after the night with Forth and Pha because Forth made him crazy! So right before classes Pha sat on the table, his hair down covering his forehead, because a big bruise had appeared after the clout, he gave Forth the night before. Of course, being the nosy kitty Kit was he had to look under his hair and was now examining the bruise, making himself busy. "How come you even got this!? Did you smash your head against the wall that often? Or did you run against the next door again, because you saw a girl?" Kit teased Pha. "Do I look like Beam?" Pha teased back. "Oh, don't start that!" Beam whined "I think you gave Forth a lecture." Ming said sternly as he just popped up behind them. "Really? How would you know that Ming?" Beam asked smiling. "Well Forth is the best fighter in all of Engineering. He gets in to a fight almost every day, sometimes even with a hole faculty of guy's, but bruises are something you rarely see on him! But today his face looks horrible! He was a black eye and his nose is swollen. " Ming sat down. "Well it's his fault" Pha said cold. "Yeah he had fun punishing mostly me off all" Ming laughed letting his head hit the cold surface of the table. "Why would he do that?" Beam asked shocked. "Because he wanted answers from me, he didn't get them though. Oh, and he said I should tell you beam that he is sorry. He would like to talk to you for a proper apology later. And guess what he stopped his gang from literally punching me to death!" all of them looked at each other a little perplex, then Kit shook his head "why would he be sorry If he told his friends to beat you up? That is total bullshit!".

Ming nodded and so did Phana. "Well he didn't tell them... he actually told them to stop. He was really angry, but didn't do anything against it either. He just told them to stop once. " Beam struggled. "He told them and they did not listen?! Ok that explains why the rest of them is beat up as well! If Forth is giving orders and you are not following, it literally could end in death or a long hospital stay!" Ming explained further.

"Still you sure you should go there? Once beating him is enough!" Pha answered shaking his head. "Well he was an asshole but what is with Ming. He will get even more problems when I don't show up. So, I will go!". Even If his friends weren't fine with the idea, Beam just couldn't let Ming get Punished even more. He stood up to get out of the range of his three friends that constantly tell him not to go. Ming was saying he could withstand it, but what kind of person would he be if he would just let his friend suffer. He fucked it up before for Ming, this would not happen again. Also, it all didn't make sense to either one of them. Phana sighted there was no use holding Beam back. He was stubborn. One thing still didn't seem right with Pha... Why would he apologize to Beam? He said it last night he wouldn't do it either way and the only thing he would get is a hook up with Forth. The bell rang to signal the boy's that class had begun and they made their way inside. Pha was guessing his thoughts had to wait until classes would be over then.


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