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-8-Pha's head was spinning as Forth licked his lips, moving his face even closer. Ok now he didn't understand much of this situation anymore! And he wasn't dumb! He understood that Forth was playing Beam and never liked him more than a puppet. A toy to play with and switch whenever he would get bored with it, but why he even did that was another story... Forth was the type that could have any girl he wanted, even guy's wanting to play with him badly! So why dating Beam!? It was a lot of effort for Forth and all this for nothing?

"You would like to know, why I even mess around with him right?" Pha's face darkened yet he nodded as short answer to Forth's question. "It's your fault.", Forth said then snorted at Pha's reaction. Pha was struggling against his grip now, trying to push the other away. Then Pha began to growl and with clenched jaw he asked "Why should it be my fault, you idiot?! I was never the one that played with someone's heart in the first place, was I!?". Pha once again snapped and pushed Forth away with all his strength. "No, but you on the other hand are much more interesting than your friend!" Forth grind satisfied when Pha's eyes winded. The med student then shook his head to clear it before sighting and deciding to dig deeper in their conversation "And why am I interesting, Forth? Because I am not!". Forth snorted again. "You keep on rejecting me and you mean it. The fact that you can keep up with me is even more interesting. I want to see more!". Forth licked his lips again, smirking at Pha. He then slammed both his hands on either side of Pha's face pushing the other further in to the corner.

"See interesting." Forth chuckled as Pha pushed him away again and rushed out of the bathroom. "How about we make a deal Pha?" Forth threw in as he followed the other male. With one eyebrow raised Pha asked, "what kind of deal?! I would be fine with Me killing you when Beam gets hurt, how about you?!". Chuckling Forth let himself fall down on to Pha's couch. "Nah, don't think you can do that. I mean how about you stick around me for the next four months?". This time Phana snorted and spat a sarcastic answer back at Forth "Why would I do that? I'd rather die actually!". "Because I will break up with Beam. And to make it more fun I will do it in the worst way... How about that? But if you stick around and are a nice boy, I will spare him from this... maybe!" Forth chuckled again before stretching.

The Smirk on Forth's face was so evil, and it clearly begged for a punch onto it. But Pha knew how to control himself, at least most of the time. "So, you give me the choice of either Beam hating me or me staying around you?" Pha asked the taller gaining a nod from Forth, before the other than smugly said "I think we both know which one is worse, don't we Pha?". "Yeah hanging out with you is really bad". Pha snorted at his own joke. He knew already he had to do it, for Beam. Why did he love his friends so much? "Ok then, I'll call Beam right now". Forth turned around with a serious face and brought his phone out of his pocket. He searched for the contact 'Puppet' and began to call. "No wait I was joking". Pha raised is hand to stop him from doing anything he would regret later and with another chuckle Forth ended the call right before Beam could answer. "Good boy" Forth smirked and pushed the other backwards and on to his bed. His face got closer and closer to Pha's. Only inches were between. Forth Gott Closer and Closer...

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