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-15- Phana searched for the other in his department, the bar, the places he knew Forth liked, even asked his friends where he was but, no Forth anywhere. His friends didn't say anything but a "We don't know", with was obviously not true... Of course, these guys were Forth's 'friends' or 'minions' like Pha preferred to call them, they were to scared they would get beat up by Forth, for giving Pha that information. After about two hours of searching Pha drove to the others dorm, figuring he had to be there.

When he arrived, Pha slammed his fists in to the door growling, waiting for the other to open up. And When Forth did Pha pulled him out, slamming him against the wall like the first time, before their agreement. Forth chuckled. "You broke our fucking agreement!" Pha growled, fisting the others black t-shirt, one hand slamming in to the wall. "Did I? What will you do against it, big boy?" Forth teased, his hand finding Pha's arm and pushing his off of him slowly. He then proceeded in setting both his hands on Pha's shoulders, slowly pushing the other, until he hit the door with a little thud. "Fuck You Forth! I thought we had an agreement!" Pha struggled against his gip. "We had; I was supposed not to break up with Beam... in a harsh way. I never said anything about staying with him. So, I never broke the agreement, did I?" "What the fuck, you tricked me!?"

And with this Forth got another punch, clenching his jaw the taller growled at Pha as response. Pha struggled again, leaving Forth's arms to leave his shoulders and slamming in to the door. The flinch out of himself, was something the med student cursed himself for, but he did there was no forswear it. Forth chuckled again, one hand lightly chocking Pha. "So... you Pha." He smirked, applying some pressure to Pha's throat, leaving the other frozen. "Will stay with me like- "Forth let go of the other, stopping only to open the door. Pha stumbled backwards in to Forth's room, slowly growing aware of his situation once he hit the ground. "before and be nice." He finished, grabbing Pha, pulling him to his feet and slamming him against the wall, after slamming the door shut behind himself. "You know Pha... You made me think a lot... and I hate what you caused..."

AN: Finally edited the Chapter to my liking. I want to apologise for the endless seeming wait. The last Chapters will all be edited today and posted today or tomorrow.

My last question would be  do you guys want some smut or nah? 

Love your writer fox <3

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